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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
My one week old :( 2017 iMac 27 5K i7 R580 is having some moods :( This morning after setting my new workspace I've noticed strange red/green/blue dots on screen. What I've done until now (after each step computer was restarted):

1. all USB/audio ports disconnected
2. NVRAM reset
3. SMC reset
4. disk check with Disk Utility
6. changed RAM to factory one
7. NVRAM reset
8. SMC reset
9. restored factory settings with new user
10. disk formated
11. installed brand new OSX Sierra

After all this steps problem still exists. Dots do not appear while installing system or in safe mode or while first phase of system loading (frist half of bar under Apple logo, then lots of dots).

Photos and video are below. Any ideas? GPU or Power Supply Unit problems? Yesterday everything was fine :(

Few dots on frist seconds of film and then 00:25.

And now the question. Should I try to send it back (they delivered it 8 days ago so still got few days with return policy) or should I contact support on Monday and go with warranty path? We don't have in Poland official Apple Repair Center or Apple Store, only private company that got "blessing" from Apple .... but everyone hates them cause repair takes ages and often they blame user for breaking/damaging it even if it's not true.




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macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2014
It's the GPU. When you boot in safe mode, the graphics driver is not loaded and the CPU handle it. Contact Apple, it should be handled as a DOA (Dead On Arrival) case.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
It's the GPU. When you boot in safe mode, the graphics driver is not loaded and the CPU handle it. Contact Apple, it should be handled as a DOA (Dead On Arrival) case.
Not sure if it works in Poland.


macrumors regular
Apr 24, 2014
Perth, West Aus
I hope you get the problem sorted.

Just on a side note, never, I mean never, film video in portrait mode... Especially when your subject, the iMac, is a wide screen panel. Always turn your phone on it's side to take video.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
I hope you get the problem sorted.

Just on a side note, never, I mean never, film video in portrait mode... Especially when your subject, the iMac, is a wide screen panel. Always turn your phone on it's side to take video.
Yeah.. but I did this for snapchat .. it needs to be in portrait mode ;)


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
I'm installing right now High Sierra Beta .. perhaps new firmware will help? Chances are close to zero but I need to try ..

EDITED: Nope.. installing High Sierra didn't help :(
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
Strange thing happened .. after one more disk format and rolling back to fresh Sierra dots were visible. But now after 2 hours of sleep there is no sign of them. I've even restarted iMac and .. still no dots. Mysterious thing... but I think I will call Apple Support tomorrow as I can't be sure if it won't happen again. Or just send back iMac as it works fine and get a new one?


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
Not sure what to do now .. give it back wait for money refund and buy another one?


macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2014
Call them and tell it, as it is. It should go back one way or the other. Its a timebomb, so don't keep it.

I have a 2009 iMac where the graphic card failed and it started out like yours.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
So I called Apple and told them about my problem. They asked me if I wish to repair this computer or get a new one? Answer was quite easy .. ;)

Tomorrow UPS guy should pick my iMac and after he confirms he go it they will send me a new one right away.

I'm wondering if they offered me new iMac because mine is 10 days old, or it's normal practice and they would do the same even after 3 months?


macrumors 601
Aug 8, 2007
Takamatsu, Japan
I'm wondering if they offered me new iMac because mine is 10 days old, or it's normal practice and they would do the same even after 3 months?

You can replace/refund the iMac for up to 14 days. After that your only option is a repair.

By the way, I highly recommend AppleCare to extend the warranty to three years.

Sorry to hear about the problems and that is definitely a bad GPU. :(


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
That's good idea with Apple Care. I used to have it with 2010 MBP 15 and 2011 iMac27. Now I'm planing to buy it for this iMac and MacBook Pro 13 without touch bar but I'm waiting for CyberMonday sales .. it should be cheaper ;)


macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2014
You could also consider adding a general electronic insurance addon to your normal insurance instead. It will likely be cheaper an not limited to your Mac.


macrumors 601
Aug 8, 2007
Takamatsu, Japan
That's good idea with Apple Care. I used to have it with 2010 MBP 15 and 2011 iMac27. Now I'm planing to buy it for this iMac and MacBook Pro 13 without touch bar but I'm waiting for CyberMonday sales .. it should be cheaper ;)

I recommend it highly and have had a lot of expensive service done under coverage.

I recommend trying to find a copy of the former AppleCare (not the new AppleCare+ they've switched to) if you don't need accidental damage coverage. Chances are you can find it cheaper and all you need to do is call Apple to register it by phone.

I just bought the AppleCare for my new 2017 iMac from a third party seller on Amazon Japan for about the equivalent of $80 US. :eek:


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 9, 2017
An hour ago UPS guy took my iMac and few minutes ago I received an email from Apple that new iMac will be shipped tomorrow :)
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