Whenever I double tap the home button to pull up the music shortuct, it only works if a song is already playing. i.e. Nothing will come up if a song has been paused, whether through the normal music menu or through the shortcut.
When music is already playing and I pull up the shortcut, I can keep double tapping to pull up and take away the music menu as much as I want, but as soon as I hit pause and close the shortuct, I cannot get it to come back up. This leads to me not being able to play music in apps without going back to the main music menu everytime I want to start up a song.
Also, the shortcut was working fine just a few days ago, it has only recently started to be tempermental.
I reset my ipod but that didn't seem to help. Any help is much appreciated, thank you.
When music is already playing and I pull up the shortcut, I can keep double tapping to pull up and take away the music menu as much as I want, but as soon as I hit pause and close the shortuct, I cannot get it to come back up. This leads to me not being able to play music in apps without going back to the main music menu everytime I want to start up a song.
Also, the shortcut was working fine just a few days ago, it has only recently started to be tempermental.
I reset my ipod but that didn't seem to help. Any help is much appreciated, thank you.