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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 18, 2013
Hey guys!

I have an iPhone 11 Pro since the day it was released and I am enjoying the experience (came from an iPhone 6, pretty big improvement!). However, I'm facing a problem regarding the phone calls. Sometimes (about 2 or 3 times a week), whenever I call someone or someone calls me, they cannot properly hear me during the first 10 seconds of the call. I can listen to them clearly, but they say they hear me with a lot of interference. If I wait 10 seconds, everything comes back to normal and I can pursue with the call. If I finish the call and call another person, the same problem happens. I found two ways of temporarily solving the problem: 1) turn on airplane mode and then turn if off; 2) reboot the iPhone. However, this solves the problem for a day or two, until it appears again.

Does this happens with anybody else? I configured the iPhone as new, thus I don't think that a clean reinstall of the iOS should solve the problem.
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