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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 13, 2011
Manchester, UK
Hi All,
Apologies if this has already been covered but i couldnt find any thread relating to this problem in a search.

Im using an AppleTV (1stgen) which has been 'jailbroken' using ATVflash.

Before i moved house i was connecting to my Apple TV from my laptop (windows) using Cyberduck over my home wifi network in order to acces the external HDD which is plugged into the ATV, this was working no problem using the following details, as advised in the tutorials on the firecore website.:

server: AppleTV.local
port: 21
username: frontrow
password: frontrow

My problem occured when i moved house, im using the exact same logins etc as before but i am now unable to login and get the message:

'Connection failed: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.' with the option to 'Try Again'

The only thing that has changed is my ISP and the wireless router that i am using, i was with Virgin but im now with TalkTalk in the new house. Hope all this makes sense.

Anyone have any ideas as to what the problem is? Any help would be greatly appreciated, let me know if anymore details are needed.

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