Alrighty so from what I've gathered, in order to download themes to my computer, and subsequently transfer them to my iphone, I need an FTP program like cyberduck, as well as having openSSH on my actual iphone. Amiright so far??? I've downloaded openSSH from Cydia onto my phone, and cyberduck on my computer. When I go to "Open Connection" in cyberduck and type in my phone's IP address, username "root" and password "alpine" it won't connect and says
"I/O Error: Connection Failed
The connect () operation on the socket timed out."
Is this a common problem? Is there a simple solution? The only thing I can think of is I live on campus at my university, and their wireless network requires a login when you first connect to the wifi here, i.e. when I first pull up safari after periods of inactivity on my iphone I have to login before I can browse the internet. Any help? And am I on the right track as far as being able to download themes on my computer and transfer them to my iphone?
"I/O Error: Connection Failed
The connect () operation on the socket timed out."
Is this a common problem? Is there a simple solution? The only thing I can think of is I live on campus at my university, and their wireless network requires a login when you first connect to the wifi here, i.e. when I first pull up safari after periods of inactivity on my iphone I have to login before I can browse the internet. Any help? And am I on the right track as far as being able to download themes on my computer and transfer them to my iphone?