One more problem...I have pages built as spreads in Quark...1/4" Bleed all four sides...the printer needs singles which is not a problem but the designers still like building in spreads again not a problem....Lets say page 16 and 17 spread...When i print page 16 as a single the bleed in the gutter is showing a 1/4" of page 17.....I dont want this....I want the bleed in the gutter to stop or clip on the bleed as opposed to bleeding four color into the gutter...I tried clip to bleed limits and that does not work....messed with the odd and even page set-up and that didnt seem to work either...
This i strying to print a PDF file out of a spread in Quark 6.5.
This i strying to print a PDF file out of a spread in Quark 6.5.