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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 23, 2009
So a friend of mine uploaded a few photos into one of my albums on mobileme, but when I try to sync the photos back into iPhoto, all that appears is a square outline of the photo. The name of the photo and the date is there, but there is no photo, just a black square. I've tried to sync them over and over but nothing happens and half the time it says that "mobileme has timed-out" or that it can't connect to the server.

Earlier today I was able to sync a photo a different friend upload to a different album just fine.

Also, now when a friend or I try to upload a photo to any of my mobileme albums the drop down box that asks for your name and email and makes you input a series of letters before you can upload, doesn't have any letters to input, it's just a small blue box with a question mark in it.

This was all working great for the first week I've been trying out Mobileme but now this is more trouble then it's worth, even if it was free.

Any help please?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 23, 2009
Okay so I was able to "solve" this by manually downloading those photos from the mobileme gallery and importing them to iPhoto, putting them back into the mobileme album, and resyncing. Quite a pain.

Other problems are arising though; randomly when I try to sync any of my albums, iPhoto just can't find the album on mobileme, then sometimes it can. Also, it will keep resyncing specific photos that have already been uploaded every time I sync the album. Some of these photos have been in the gallery album for weeks, but it just keeps thinking they are new or something. The same photo has "pending" on it and if I go online to my Mobileme gallery, it lists those photos as new (with the little blue dot) every time.

Randomly my online gallery just says it's not available and I have to refresh the page several times before it will load the albums.

And yet, sometimes this all works great: everything syncs fine and loads fine on the online gallerys and it's great.

Every other aspect of Mobileme is working and syncing perfectly, but this gallery is just so sloppy and unstable and I'm not understanding why.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 23, 2009
Just to update in case someone else is having the same problems:

After talking once again to a mobileme helper person, they had me login with one of their administrator accounts and everything started working fine: iPhoto synced fine and the web galleries actually loaded and went like 10x faster. So they "upgraded" my problem to a Senior mobileme helper person and they will contact me in 24-48 hours.
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