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Steve Dodds

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 1, 2015
I seem to have problems with Mail that other people don’t have. Some examples:

- ALT-DELETE not working;
- Occasional clunky/slow and unreliable application of my mail rules (some disappearing messages);
- Gmail and iCloud messages not being backed up in Time Machine (but Hotmail is);
… and most recently…
- A month-old Gmail message showing in encrypted form, when it wasn’t when I first received it (I can still read it on

I can only assume there’s some kind of corruption in my mail database, so am considering reinstalling Mail from scratch. Any good advice on doing this, and/or theories as to why I’m getting these problems?

For information I am using a 2011 Macbook Pro and iMac, and have since kept the OS more or less up to date - now Sierra.



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I don't use gmail, but I recall reading other posts from those who do, that report that (for some reason) seems to have lots of problems with gmail.

A re-install of Mail (you'd probably have to reinstall the entire system) might help, but then again, might not make a difference at all.

It might be some setting WITHIN the existing that requires tweaking...
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