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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 16, 2016
Germany, Hesse

That’s my first post at I’ve been using Macs since more than twenty years and mostly I didn’t got any trouble using Macs, but now I’ve got weird problems with Mac OS Sierra menu bar and autostart of some apps that offer menu bar icons.

First of all it’s impossible to arrange menu bar items/icons permanently. Pressing “command” key, then click and drag the icons in a new order works fine, but after rebooting, the menu bar items are arranged in the old way. Sierra doesn’t remember rearranging of the menu bar items.
The second problem is, that some menu bar apps don’t start automatically at login. All the preferences of these apps are cleared after rebooting also the autostart option.

In older versions of Mac OS I was able to verify and repair permissions, but this option is not given in Mac OS Sierra. So I reset NVRAM, PRAM and SMC without any success. The problems where also not solved after an clean install of Mac OS Sierra.

These problems occur just on my MacBook Pro (2015). Sierra works really fine with my Mac mini (2014) and my MacBook Pro (2011). Sierra also works very fine with my wife’s MacBook Air (2015).

Maybe someone has a solution for that problem.

Please excuse my bad English!

Kind regards


macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
Your English is great! I had no clue that English was not your primary language until reading the mea culpa at the end. (I only noticed one misspelled word and one comma that didn't belong - very minor, and by no means did I carefully check for any other similar "mistakes" or typos.)

I'd suggest trying a different User Account and see if the problem shows up there also.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 16, 2016
Germany, Hesse
Hello Gregg2, and thank you for having a look on my menu bar problem and recommending to try a different user account, but I want to give up after three clean installations of Sierra and a lot of newly created users. I feel reminded of my experiences with Windows 95 in 1996 when I moved to the Mac to have as little effort as possible with maintaining and fixing problems of the operating system I use. Off course sometimes something goes wrong with every OS, Windows, Linux and Mac OS too, but the developer, Apple in this case, should give users the opportunity to fix that kind of problems by themselves.
Apple says, checking and repairing permissions will happen while installing Softwareupdates, but after installing Mac OS 10.12.1, Built 16B2657, the problem still exists. I think, and I’m using Linux for more than eight years too, it is a problem of permissions I can’t neither check nor repair. I’m not a nerd and of course it might be a problem of system/user caches too or something else. But I can not do anything except of waiting for the next Softwareupdate of Mac OS and to hope that this Softwareupdate will fix my problem.

Today I'm wasting much more time with the operating system than with programs. That is not the reason to use Computers.
Clean reinstallation of Mac OS Sierra, deleting preferences, creating user after user, and using Google just to find problem solutions. No success!

Apple removed useful functions in Mac OS, but I can’t see any sense in preventing users to check and repair permissions of files.

Kind regards
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jul 8, 2011

That’s my first post at I’ve been using Macs since more than twenty years and mostly I didn’t got any trouble using Macs, but now I’ve got weird problems with Mac OS Sierra menu bar and autostart of some apps that offer menu bar icons.

First of all it’s impossible to arrange menu bar items/icons permanently. Pressing “command” key, then click and drag the icons in a new order works fine, but after rebooting, the menu bar items are arranged in the old way. Sierra doesn’t remember rearranging of the menu bar items.
The second problem is, that some menu bar apps don’t start automatically at login. All the preferences of these apps are cleared after rebooting also the autostart option.

In older versions of Mac OS I was able to verify and repair permissions, but this option is not given in Mac OS Sierra. So I reset NVRAM, PRAM and SMC without any success. The problems where also not solved after an clean install of Mac OS Sierra.

These problems occur just on my MacBook Pro (2015). Sierra works really fine with my Mac mini (2014) and my MacBook Pro (2011). Sierra also works very fine with my wife’s MacBook Air (2015).

Maybe someone has a solution for that problem.

Please excuse my bad English!

Kind regards

hey there,

I understand how frustrating that keep fixing minor errors and bugs is. but I still got a suggestion for you.

You said that the problem only happens on one of your laptops, and others are fine. so why not try backing up the whole system of your mac mini or 2011 macbook pro, then do a full restore from the backup.

If this doesnt fix the problem. I can 100% sure that this is hardware failure ( or we call it firmware failure) cause perhaps the EFI cannot remember some settings and that causes your system reset some changes every time it reboots.

cheers, and excuse for my poor english.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 16, 2016
Germany, Hesse
Thank you for you suggestion! I tried this already some weeks ago. It is a really weird Problem. Booting from external SSD (USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt) works fine, booting from internal SSD doesn’t work fine.

I pay a lot of money for Apple Hard- and Software to prevent those Problems. I payed more than 3200,- EURO for my MacBook Pro (2015) and 2000,- EURO for the Mac mini (2014). How much Computers offering same Hardware and running Ubuntu could I buy, paying 5200,- EURO? Ten, fifteen?

If I buy a Notebook made of plastic running Linux I will have Problems too, but also help! Why did Apple remove useful functions in Mac OS like check and repair permissions? Do they want to make money with selling help? I guess so!

I don’t want to waste my time.


macrumors 6502
Jul 8, 2011
Thank you for you suggestion! I tried this already some weeks ago. It is a really weird Problem. Booting from external SSD (USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt) works fine, booting from internal SSD doesn’t work fine.

I pay a lot of money for Apple Hard- and Software to prevent those Problems. I payed more than 3200,- EURO for my MacBook Pro (2015) and 2000,- EURO for the Mac mini (2014). How much Computers offering same Hardware and running Ubuntu could I buy, paying 5200,- EURO? Ten, fifteen?

If I buy a Notebook made of plastic running Linux I will have Problems too, but also help! Why did Apple remove useful functions in Mac OS like check and repair permissions? Do they want to make money with selling help? I guess so!

I don’t want to waste my time.

Yeah...Apple became suck on design and greedy on its price policy since Steve dies.

I really dont understand how could a company that so obsessed with details like apple, could design a stylus pen that charges that way. when plugging it on ipad, the ipad itself became useless because if you use it the pencil might hurt you and break itself. Apple just designed a product that breaks easily when you normally use it.

And the magic mouse 2 has this issue two. you have to flip it over to charge it. the design is so so so stupid.

and the battery case, I just dont want to talk about that ****.

Apple gone wrong these years, it is obsessed on making products thiner and thiner, simpler and simpler, they didnt realise that this just violates the basic design principles. John ive is really a dumbass.

But apple didnt stop there, it becomes super greedy, the removal of headphone jack is solid proof, they just want you to pay more for their ecosystem.

then apple removed all useful ports on their latest macbook pro, when I thought this is the worst thing a company could have done. they just slapped me in my face again.

They release a book that cost $300.

$300 freaking dollars! and 90% of the pics on the book can be found on internet for free.

Apple officially think their fanboys are stupid.

Apple had their times, so does Microsoft. both company make stupid decisions. But even Microsoft didnt do anything like "we just sell customer some piece of **** and they are gonna buy it as aways'.

I really want apple suffer a huge loss in 2017 then they might rethink about how to make a product that is useable and not looking stupid. Tim cook is just a stupid steve ballmer II.
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