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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 26, 2012
Hello Guys,

I have an unusual problem with my MacBook Pro 15" Early 2011. This is the model with the known Graphics Video issue. I had the Logic Board replaced under the Apple programme just under 4 months ago. However, since I had it replaced, its been extremely slow. There were loads of annoying little issues at the beginning after the logic board replacement, I just ignored it thinking it would just iron out over time. Recently it has crashed on my several times. Last night it would not start after I tried to restart it. I could not get it start in any way. The battery also got very hot at the same time. It has never been this hot. Since then I put a Mountain Lion HD in, and the battery is low or normal to the feel now.

This is the i7 Quad Core model. I know its not the hard disk, as its brand new. I also have plenty of memory, 16GB. The problem is that when I am running El Capitan, I have all the problems. However, when I have it installed under Mountain Lion, it performs better, still not great but much better than El Capitan. and its not crashing like it does under El Capitan. I need El Capitan mainly because I have other Macs (which are all on El Capitan) and I actually use Notes and iCloud folder, and various other features which are not available or does not sync on Mountain Lion. Otherwise I would have been fine with Mountain Lion.

I believe the Logic Board is the issue. They said they installed a new Logic Board. So I just don't get it. Does anyone have any clues? What do you think is the problem? Have you come across similar situations before?

Thank you.



macrumors P6
Apr 3, 2014
Hong Kong
1) This is the desktop forum, not laptop. Go there, you may have more luck.

2) IMO, you should contact Apple within 3 months after logic board replacement. I am not sure if it's applicable to this GPU related replacement programme. However, AFAIK, you get 3 months extra warranty after any hardware fix done by Apple. And now you wait for 4 months, it's a bit too late to voice out the problem.

3) If you believe that's still the GPU's fault, you better contact Apple ASAP. I am not sure if your Mac's symptom still fall within the criteria that can get another replacement. However, from memory, that programme only valid until 31 Dec 2016. If you didn't contact them and ask for another fix this year, you may never get that. Or have to pay for it.

4) No matter what, you can go to Apple store and ask for a check, that should be free.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 26, 2012
Thanks. I posted on the right place. I didn't realise. I already booked an appointment with Apple this morning before I posted this. And the lady on the phone checked the date of the repair, I got the feeling she was checking to see if it was still valid, and I now understand the reason. Because if I had contacted them 2 days later, I would have been outside the 3 months. Damn, that was a spot of luck! Thanks.
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