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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 9, 2013
Hi guys,

three months ago I leaved my home to stay with my parents during the lockdown, leaving behind my external monitor (the complete setup is in my signature). Today I have returned to my home and I discovered that if I set the refresh rate of my external monitor to 144Hz from 120Hz in System Preferences -> Displays It suddenly turns back and the message "DisplayPort No Signal" appears. By the way the computer still detects the monitor and If I click around the black screen I can even manage to open some applications or windows. I will attach a video for a better explanation.
Also the clamshell mode doesn't work anymore! When I close the lid the same message "DisplayPort No Signal" but keyboard and mouse remain backlit.

The computer is a MacBook Pro 16 inch running MacOS 10.15.4.

Here is the video:

Thank you for your help!

EDIT: 10.15.5 update did't solve the problems
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 9, 2013
Have you tried resetting the SMC?

Yes but without success. Also the PRAM reset didn't work...

EDIT: sometimes I also have this notification
Screenshot 2020-05-26 at 20.32.45.png

I have restarted the computer many times but this pop-up keeps coming
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