This is just a bit of info from my jailbreaking last night that I thought I would mention (sorry if its been mentioned before). I originally jailbroke my 2.0.1 16gb 3G and all went well. The release of 2.0.2 came out and I decided to upgrade the firmware through itunes and just lose the apps i had as there werent many. I had already taken a back up, so I installed 2.0.2 and restored my info onto the phone. Yesterday I decided to jailbreak 2.0.2 but I just couldnt get it to go past the pineapple logo. I then tried winpwn and again no luck, stuck in boot up. After three or 4 goes at this and a bit of nervousness as to what I was going to do if all went wrong, I decided to put a fresh copy of 2.0.2 on and not restore. Bingo!, jailbroken first time (I did it again just to make sure it wasnt a one off and all is fine). Dont know if this will help anyone having issues out there.