I think that maybe we are missing an important point here. The new ipod is about video and from what I have read, video content must be converted to .m4V to be playable on the ipod. Now unless you download all your videos from the itunes store this means converting your video files using the latest version of Quicktime Pro. For the sake of testing I have just exported 30 seconds of home movie footage, into M4v with Quicktime Pro on my 800mhz imac, it took a full 27 mins!! Call that 1 minute for 1 second of Video, so and hour long video is going to take 60 hrs or 2 and a half days to convert! This makes the hour that it is going to take to load it on to your ipod look a bit insignificant. I shall do some more tests with different video formats to see what difference it makes, but basically, you are going to need a Mac with some serious power to get the conversion down to sensible times. It is therefore going to be new-ish computer and have USB 2.0. For interest sake original mpeg file size 86mb M4v size 13.1mb