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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 12, 2017

I noticed two issues with the settings in Security & Privacy > Privacy > Files and Folders

1. When selecting any of the tickboxes in the list, an other item in the list and not the selected tickbox is changed.

2. There is no way to remove an item from the list, the add and remove buttons are grayed out.

I already noticed this with Catalina, but it is still an issue after updating to Big Sure.

Do you know of any way to reset this list?

Thanks for your help!

Hi Alwis,

I got a similar issue with Big Sur (don't remember if it was already like this in Catalina) where the checkbox was stuck or an adjacent checkbox was modified away from the mouse pointer location.

I copy/pasted these 3 terminal commands to reset Files and folder from privacy settings which worked for me.
Once executed you will be asked again by the apps to access these folders (no restart required):

tccutil reset SystemPolicyDocumentsFolder
tccutil reset SystemPolicyDownloadsFolder
tccutil reset SystemPolicyDesktopFolder


Hope it helps,

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