I'm trying to download from cydia ultrasn0w but get an error message. I am typing repo666.ultrasn0w.com with a zero but aren't getting any joy. Is the server down?
After jailbreaking a 3g iphone with pwange tool I had problems updating and running cydia... getting error messages (error:cached failure).
Because I am reading hackthatphone.com tutorials I noticed that on the redsnow tutorial ( I used pwange tool 3.0) it mentions that attempting to install icy and cydia toghether may have a conflict where cydia cannot do essential updates. So I re´jailbroke without selecting icy. But have the same problem.
I've tried downloading other stuff from cydia and managed to install the upgrades (i think) and also install patch from httP://iphone.org after trying on various occasions ang getting "sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)" messages.
The worst thing is I am unable to find the repo666.ultrasn0w.com source and cant unlock my phone.
Any suggestions?
p.s,. i ve re jailbroken another time this time selecting both icy and cydia and have the exact same problem.