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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 7, 2005
Hi. I'm having a problem with safari causing my processor to work at 90 percecnt and the fan goes on. I'm not doing much and have a lot of ram left. I've now opened up firefox and I have no problem. I've never had this happen before with safari. Is there a reason why?
If it happens for all sites, here's some things to try (work down the list until it's fixed)...
  1. Quit Safari and reopen
  2. Log out and log back in (or as a different user)
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Disable any addons for Safari you have (Saft, PithHelment, SafariStand, etc)
  5. Move the ~/Library/Preferences/ file to your desktop
  6. Move the ~/Library/Safari folder to your desktop (warning, this folder contains your history and bookmarks)
I've tried doing everything except moving the folders. Whenever I try reopening and restarting the fan comes back on after just a couple minutes.
If you really don't want to move the folders, then opening a new user account should have the same effect. Check it to see whether Safari is still being a resource hog. :)
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