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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 14, 2006
San Fran
so I am planning on buying a imac at the end of this summer but I was looking at the buyers guide and it said that the imac is nearing the end of its cycle. My time frame is that I will buy in August-should i wait longer, or would I be safe in buying then-obviously i could buy one day and the day mine arrives the new ones could come out so i know that that could happen I just want to know how likely it is
cuestakid said:
so I am planning on buying a imac at the end of this summer but I was looking at the buyers guide and it said that the imac is nearing the end of its cycle. My time frame is that I will buy in August-should i wait longer, or would I be safe in buying then-obviously i could buy one day and the day mine arrives the new ones could come out so i know that that could happen I just want to know how likely it is

What computer are you using now? Are you a Student? (free ipod deal ends September 16, 2006). I will wait till September if you can but probably the Imac will not be changed until Macworld jan 2007.
Acehigh said:
What computer are you using now? Are you a Student? (free ipod deal ends September 16, 2006). I will wait till September if you can but probably the Imac will not be changed until Macworld jan 2007.

yes I am a student-however this will be my second year of school and I already own a laptop which i am going to contiune to use- i know about the deal and i do plan on buying a mac with educational discount-though i may end up selling the nano as i already have a video ipod

I will be using the new mac for listening to music, playing around with iweb and the rest of iLife and maybe starting to get into movies-i guess the big reasons that i am changing are that I am tired of widnows not working, security problems and lockups and most of all-i have been spending soo much time trying to get my dell laptop to look like a mac that I have convinced myself that I want one-futhermore with bootcamp, the only real other thing I did on my pc was gaming and now it appears that I can do that to
live today

then think of tomorrow...:rolleyes:

I have an eMac 1.25Ghz...and it still rock!!
There is nothing I can't do with it....

Macs last.....even Apple stop selling them...and you'll use your Mac fall in love with your next one....Why wait???? NO REASON


Even in the future you'll be able to resell it as an antique...check in ebay

Worst case scenarios...

You'll have a beautiful Home Entertainment System......
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The iMac will get a new Chipset and Merom CPU around that time.

Since Apple is no longer building their own chipset from scratch, we should see these replaced quicker instead of every 24-48 months we were saddled with -- and speed bumps and engineering updates in between.

Look at the Intel 965 chipset ... the iMac should see a boost to 8GB of RAM (aka 4GB RAM from Apple when they ship, and the ability to "possibly" use 4GB DIMMs.)


aka, read the Intel pages and poop to see what is on the horizon -- you ain't in the dark anymore -- so if you are blindsided. It's your own damn fault for not reading PC news.
Sun Baked said:
The iMac will get a new Chipset and Merom CPU around that time.

Since Apple is no longer building their own chipset from scratch, we should see these replaced quicker instead of every 24-48 months we were saddled with -- and speed bumps and engineering updates in between.

Look at the Intel 965 chipset ... the iMac should see a boost to 8GB of RAM (aka 4GB RAM from Apple when they ship, and the ability to "possibly" use 4GB DIMMs.)


aka, read the Intel pages and poop to see what is on the horizon -- you ain't in the dark anymore -- so if you are blindsided. It's your own damn fault for not reading PC news.

well I will never ever need THAT much RAM-but it sounds like there wont be an update till january 07-which makes sense as that is when Vista will ship-so it appears that buying now is fine

btw-i do read PC news-and I do know that there are new Intel Processors coming soon (see front mpge of this site)
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