Here's my answer to everyone that's whining about how GarageBand can't do this or that etc etc, if you want PROFESSIONAL high level recording software, theres only one way to go. I've never heard of "Logic" however me and my reocordin' buddies that have a made careers out of recording, all use Cubase. So if your going to whine that GarageBand can't do certain things, or you want the most professional software you can get, Cubase is the way to go. It seems somewhat complicated at first, but half the features you won't need to use before your ready fo sho!! Plus yeah it can export MIDI and crap no problem, best recording program ever, period. The only downside is its a crap load of money, like more than $500. Its like the photoshop of audio.
Check out some screenies:
I use the PC version of Cubase (yeah, yeah, sinner I know) but the mac-version should be pretty bootylicious too.
Check out some screenies:
I use the PC version of Cubase (yeah, yeah, sinner I know) but the mac-version should be pretty bootylicious too.