Hi, i know this post might not be suitable but i just need an answer. ive just got a mac for the first time and its sort of confusing. Ive made a few programs on windows using visual studio. one of which (for educational purposes) takes a screenshot every 30 seconds without the user knowing and emails it to me in an attachment. I did that in vs using C#. Is something like this possible with a mac? i heard they dont get viruses and i cant download VS for mac. so if i find another dev environment, can i use that to program in c# or java or something? then if i can do that, would i be able to run and hide the program? would it then be able to take a screenshot and save it to a hidden folder? then would i be able to make it email me it? im just trying to find the breakpoint. if someone could give me a bit of an insight that would be fantastic