[PROJECT FI] - Setting up your Iphone to work with Google's Network Provider
Hi everyone! I wanted to share how I got my phone working with Google's Project Fi, network service provider. Now, this is NOT the ideal way to use their network. In fact, you miss out on features by doing this, because Project Fi is only for Nexus 6 devices currently.
My Nexus 6 broke. I didn't buy it from Google and Motorola would take 3 weeks to replace. No thank you. I needed something right away and if I'm going to buy a new phone, it will be the new iPhone or the new Nexus device. That being said, some of you like iPhones and don't want to sacrifice your camera or OS, but want to try out the Project Fi Network. If you fall into this category, then this guide is for you.
Project Fi is Google's Cellular Network designed to disrupt, like T-mobile has, the mobile industry. It is simply utilizing both T-Mobile and Sprint networks, to provide you with coverage at reduced prices. The Nexus 6 is the only supported device and their SIM / App allows the device to seamlessly swap between networks while in use. The prices are simple: $20 text/phone, $10 per GB, and lots of free international perks. If you use 1.5gb, you pay $15. If you pay $20 for 2gb and only use 1gb, they credit you $10. Simple as that.
There are a few features you won't get to take advantage of. They are probably the big selling points to the network, but if you insist on trying it out then keep reading.
So with all the losses, what's there to gain out of this? Not much to be honest, but I have enjoyed a few of the workarounds that have lead to being a perk. I personally do not own a Mac or iPad. I have Windows machines at work, home, and HTPC. I also use Google Services A LOT. I use Hangouts with work, Calendar, Google Voice, and more. My monitors always have Hangouts open.
Hi everyone! I wanted to share how I got my phone working with Google's Project Fi, network service provider. Now, this is NOT the ideal way to use their network. In fact, you miss out on features by doing this, because Project Fi is only for Nexus 6 devices currently.
My Nexus 6 broke. I didn't buy it from Google and Motorola would take 3 weeks to replace. No thank you. I needed something right away and if I'm going to buy a new phone, it will be the new iPhone or the new Nexus device. That being said, some of you like iPhones and don't want to sacrifice your camera or OS, but want to try out the Project Fi Network. If you fall into this category, then this guide is for you.
Project Fi is Google's Cellular Network designed to disrupt, like T-mobile has, the mobile industry. It is simply utilizing both T-Mobile and Sprint networks, to provide you with coverage at reduced prices. The Nexus 6 is the only supported device and their SIM / App allows the device to seamlessly swap between networks while in use. The prices are simple: $20 text/phone, $10 per GB, and lots of free international perks. If you use 1.5gb, you pay $15. If you pay $20 for 2gb and only use 1gb, they credit you $10. Simple as that.
There are a few features you won't get to take advantage of. They are probably the big selling points to the network, but if you insist on trying it out then keep reading.
- WiFi Calling - Only works on Nexus devices (odd workaround below)
- Stuck on 1 network - iPhone will not automatically switch between T-Mobile or Sprint. You can force it though, but very inconvenient.
- Can't use MESSAGES app, unless you plan on using iMessage.
So with all the losses, what's there to gain out of this? Not much to be honest, but I have enjoyed a few of the workarounds that have lead to being a perk. I personally do not own a Mac or iPad. I have Windows machines at work, home, and HTPC. I also use Google Services A LOT. I use Hangouts with work, Calendar, Google Voice, and more. My monitors always have Hangouts open.
- Use Project Fi, to send SMS, MMS, or call through Hangouts on iPhone or browser.
- Project Fi is based on Google Voice. Because of this, you can send SMS and MMS messages directly through Hangouts on your iPhone or browser. This means, if you don't have a Mac, you can respond to any text message or MMS through your Hangouts on desktop.
- Make calls through Hangouts! If you don't have signal, but are connected to WiFi, you can make calls on your iPhone, through Hangouts, with your phone number.
- Use iMessage + Hangouts. This gets confusing so I don't recommend it. You can use both messaging services if you wanted...
- FaceTime works as usual.
- Hangouts CAN become your default messenger.
- IF used a NEXUS 6:
- Go into Hangouts
- Change default SMS from Hangouts to Messenger
- Go into your account settings (in your e-mail)
- Disable Project Fi messages to Phone number. It has a checkbox to click on.
- Put your Nexus in Airplane mode, after a minute from step 4, take the SIM card out.
- Everyone else, when ready to setup iPhone:
- Take the Project Fi SIM card and pop it in. Turn off the iPhone and reboot it.
- Go to Settings -> Cellular -> Enable Data Roaming
- In Cellular, go to -> Cellular Data.
- Change the APN to alpha (in Cellular Data)
- Go to Settings -> Messages -> Disable iMessage
- Download Google Hangouts App from App Store
- Log into your PROJECT FI e-mail account. Must be the one you got the invitation from.
- Once in, click the Hamburger Icon on the top left.
- Tap on Settings
- Enable: Allow Calls: On WiFi and Cellular
- Scroll down to PHONE NUMBER
- Tap on the Phone Number
- Verify your phone number. MUST DO THIS STEP
- Choose if you want incoming phone calls to go through Hangouts or through the native iPhone phone app.
- Turn on Messages
- Hangouts will now be your default messenger. Anything you do via browser on Hangouts, will reflect anywhere you have Hangouts installed and logged in on, under the same account. Hangouts will show "send SMS from my Project Fi Number" in text messages in the type field, to let you know how that message will be delivered. It's just place holder text.

What happens here is Project Fi, changes the Hangouts App settings because your account is enabled for Project Fi. You get some options that others won't get. From here out, all of your SMS and MMS will be in Hangouts. If you disable Messages, then you can only send/receive SMS. I don't recommend you disable Messages through Hangouts.
From here, you can simply make phone calls through Hangouts on WiFi or Cellular (if enabled phone calls through hangouts step 14.). You can reply to SMS and MMS in Hangouts. You can make phone calls out of the native iPhone App. You can turn on iMessage, but it gets odd using 2 messaging features. Maybe good for international messaging though.
Again, you miss out on the bigger reasons to use this network, but if you are in my boat then it works well until you are ready to get a new phone or change providers. Hangouts has been quite convenient for me because of how much I use it. Now I can route all my SMS and MMS through Hangouts on the phone and on my browser with my primary phone number. If you use a Google Voice number, then much of this is not necessary.