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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 9, 2008
hey im in a digital imaging class at my college and i have to do a project and i cant seem to come up with any ideas. all photos used have to be mine or license free.

- any kind of poster, ad, or promotion
- must have type
- one image must be scanned
- at least 4 photos

im not looking for someone to do the project for me. im just looking for inspiration and help would be appreciated. THANKS GUYS!
Assuming you have your own camera, take these four photos:

(1) A closeup of a person's eye, the person should be wearing eyeglasses when you take the picture. Make sure there's very little or no glare on their glasses.

(2) A picture of a bicyclist while pedaling. Try to zoom in on the rider's knee just before the "down stroke" of that leg, so the knee is bent, and make sure their arm is out of the way.

(3) Find a bright green wall or background, pastel or lime green would be perfect. Take a photo of someone's hand making a "peace" sign (two fingers up), nothing else in the photo.

(4) Find a STOP sign in your neighborhood, then standing just to the left of the post and looking up, take a picture of the right-hand side of the sign. Try to get the "P" in "STOP" centered in the photo.

Arrange the four photos on your poster in this order, and underneath add a caption that grabs a user's attention to the fact that this is a contest, and that the person who wins the contest wins a prize.

Scan a photo of a blue yo-yo and add it to the bottom of the poster; identify this yo-yo as the prize.

Simply put, the contest is to be the first person to figure out what the four photos mean when taken together.

If this particular contest doesn't strike your fancy, you could try something similar - but the point is to keep the artistic elements to it. Good luck!
You have no assigned topic, only technical parameters. That is either liberating or the kiss of death depending on your current level of creative juice. Pick something that you have a passionate interest in and see where that takes you. Music, art, women, wine, comics, movies, books, furniture, whatever sparks your interest when you are not following someone else's lead.

Relax and have fun.
I agree, have fun with this one.. This sounds like a very open ended project and generally most design projects are full of requirements and guidelines..
thanks for the replies..

i like the fact that we can pretty much do what ever we want but right now im just having alot of trouble being creative haha i like a more structured project like when they give the object of the piece. and i know once you get in the field guidelines are a killer for a designer.
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