I have a friend with ALS who is considering this app as a communication assistant since he is losing his ability to talk. There isn't a way to get a lite version and since it costs $190 I'm a little leery of recommending it. If you have any direct or indirect experience with this app I would appreciate a response below or a pm.
Hi Moocher,
First, let me say it is fantastic that you are are looking out for your friend. Having a disability myself, I know how invaluable good friends are when dealing with the challenges that accompany a serious disability. This is particularly true in finding details on potentially helpful products, as it can be extremely difficult sifting through all the info on the web and finding people who have used them. As an associate of the company that develops the software, I would be happy to help you with your question, although any followups should be directed to
support@Proloquo2Go.com so that we can respond to your inquiries more efficiently.
As you know, Proloquo2Go (
http://www.proloquo2go.com/) is a full-featured iPhone/ iPod touch communication solution for people who have difficulty speaking. Featuring natural sounding voices and advanced grammar technology, speech can be generated by tapping vocabulary items, typing with its built-in keyboards, or tapping recently spoken messages. All vocabulary and images are fully customizable.
Like Sam said, the first step your friend should take is to contact a local AAC or disability center and have an evaluation by a speech language pathologist to determine the best course of action. To see if there is a participating local center where he could trial, loan or receive an evaluation that includes Proloquo2Go as an option, he can check out this list of Proloquo2Go Resource Centers (
http://www.proloquo2go.com/resources/). If there is no center in his area, he may contact a local AAC center and suggest that they acquire an iPod touch and Proloquo2Go and contact us to get listed. Relative to other AAC solutions, Proloquo2Go is a relatively small investment for a center to be able to serve the community and offer it as an option in evaluations, loaner programs, etc.
Again, it is important to stress that although Proloquo2Go has proven successful for many with language difficulties, it is critical for your friend to work with an SLP as there may be solutions that better suit his needs.
If your friend would like to learn more about Proloquo2Go, he should check out the following links:
4 Steps to Proloquo2Go –
About Proloquo2Go –
Introductory Videos –
Proloquo2Go Manual –
Finally, if your friend would like to discuss the software with other Proloquo2Go users, he can do so on the AssistiveWare Assistive Technology Community Forum here:
Best of luck to you and your friend,
Joe Barnick