Used the first code, thanks.
Iphone 7 Plus: 10.3.2 beta 3
Apple Watch S2: 3.2.2 Beta 3
Opening the application on the phone, the application opens and shows how to use the watch app which is nice. However it crashes if you touch the screen anywhere. Rotating the phone the application turns but the images are a bit distorted, zoomed in and again if you touch anywhere the app crashes.
Opening the application on the watch, the application opens and brings up choose hemisphere.. super easy.. north or south. (And changing hemisphere's is simple as well, touch the top bar and it takes you back to the beginning choices north or south.) The sun icon comes up with an arrow, move the crown to where the sun is in the sky and that's the calibration.
The issues I'm seeing is that the application on the watch doesn't remember your last position that was set. The sun with arrow shows up in the original place if you leave the app, but the compass itself doesn't show unless you rotate the crown again. Also once the direction is set, it doesn't lock itself in. So if you bump the crown the sun icon and arrow show up again. Super easy for those who want to change directions for calibration on the fly but not for those who jump between apps and want to come back to this one only to find they have to re-calibrate just because they left for a second.
The look (graphics) of the application on the watch are nice and simple.. so I'm probably over thinking the locking in portion. So far I don't see any major bugs in just tinkering. Very nice App!