Is it possible to use Promos when buying Refurb? I wan't to buy a Refurdished iMac and take advantage of the $100.00 off of a new printer. Has anbody done this or know if it's possible? Thanks
WildCowboy said:From the rebate form (PDF):
"All Apple computers shipping during the promotion dates qualify for this rebate offer."
This would imply that refurbs do qualify. This differs from the iPod educational rebate, which specifically says that it's for new machines only.
I dont think refurbs qualify. At least not on the edu store. I know someone who tried to get refurb iMac + free mini + $100 off a new printer last year and that didnt go too well. But again, that was edu store...todd2000 said:I called them back, and he said that the fine print confused him as well and he "talked to management" and they said it doesn't apply. Should I try to talk to someone higher up? Is there a better number to call, or do you think it's not even worth my time? I don't want to go through the whole process and not get the rebate after I pay for the printer.
WildCowboy said:Nowhere in the Terms and Conditions does it say that only new Macs are eligible. The only instance of the word "new" is in the title at the top of the form, and the context would imply that "new" simply means that it's new to you, not necessarily a brand-new item. Regardless, it's what the T&C says that's important.
So technically it would be valid on refurbs. Whether or not they'll give it you is another question, and how far you're willing to take it is yet another. I'm confident you'd win in small claims court against them, but it probably isn't worth your time. If you think they'll cave in early or that you're just more stubborn than they are, go ahead and give it a go.