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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 8, 2003
I just finished watching the latest SteveNote, and there were clearly a few transitions and effects which are not available in the current version of Keynote.

I'm assuming this means there is a new version on the way, which is good news since I think the 1.0 is a good beginning but lacking in many areas.

I hope 2.0 fills in the missing gaps with PowerPoint, and takes the Apple magic components to the next level.
It could be, but I doubt Steve would go through the trouble of making an animated gif.
its definately a new transition there a few others too. There one in the keynote, I'm sure of it!

I don't think it'd be a 2.0, more like a 1.2 or a 1.5

I hope more develops on this, its a great app. I done a school project on it once! :)
Originally posted by Doraemon
You think Steve is making any of his presentations himself? No way.

You are absolutely correct on that point.

I really hope the next version is not a 1.2 or 1.5 but a full fledged 2.0 release. I don't mind waiting until January for it.

Apple should consider a "Pro" Version which has more themes and pro quality clipart and stock photography. Same version of the program, but throw in those extras in for small businesses.

Either way, I hope we get a full upgrade, and Apple isn't pulling an "iCal," doing silly incremental upgrades which may be fine for teachers and consumers, but are seriously lacking for businesses.
The promotion I was talking about ends around December 27th, so I would think that the new Keynote would come out during the SF Keynote like the original.
Originally posted by BWhaler

I really hope the next version is not a 1.2 or 1.5 but a full fledged 2.0 release. I don't mind waiting until January for it.

I think the next u/g will be a 1.5. Keynote is a very good app on its own right now and they would need a hellofa lot to call it 2.0:

*continuous sound rather than slide based
*new transitions
*ability ot play via shared screens in Apple Remote Desktop (think classroom with no digital projector)
*more control over automated quicktime export settings such as individual timings for each slide
*ability to do automated presentations from the app itself
*more control over speed of transitions
*ability to layer transitions (i.e. a cube left and up a the same time for a wicked effect (i use this technique in FCP4))
*<sarcasm>steves face in the stock photos so i can put it on all my slides and make everyone in my school bow to it</sarcasm>

those are a few of the things i think would need to be (bar the layered transitions) in there to call it a 2.0 release. Knowing Apple they will do this and a whole lot more before 2.0
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