So today i decided it was more important that i learn how to use a mac this summer then waitinf for the merom so i went to my local apple store and picked up a new 15" Macbook Pro 2.16ghz 1gb ram 100gb 5400rpm hd plus a free printer and a 2gb iPod nano (the nano will go to my brother as i already have a 60gb ipod video).
I must say, as soon as i powered it up i realized it doesnt matter what they will come out with in the future....this is awesome! Although i will say it gets HOT, i can still type with it on my lap and touch it wouthout getting scalded. So far i have heard no CPU whine although i dont know what to listen for exactly.
I can take the heat. This computer rocks. Thanks for everyone who's posts i have used for advice.
I must say, as soon as i powered it up i realized it doesnt matter what they will come out with in the future....this is awesome! Although i will say it gets HOT, i can still type with it on my lap and touch it wouthout getting scalded. So far i have heard no CPU whine although i dont know what to listen for exactly.
I can take the heat. This computer rocks. Thanks for everyone who's posts i have used for advice.