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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 24, 2005
The Proxy server settings in your web browser
are incorrect
Please contact your system administrator
to change to the correct settings.
Thank you
Since connecting to a school Ehternet Network I have been getting the above message on several pages when I visit via my home Airport connection. Can anyone suggest how I can change these settings to the correct ones? I didn't voluntarily change them when connecting to the ethernet connection (when the messages first started) so I'm slightly unsure what to do. Advice desperately welcomed.
i'm guessing you need to go into System Prefs > Network > Proxies and un-check any checked proxies boxes.

If you need them set up for your school connection however, it would make sense to set up a new Location (up the top, in the same pref page), like "Home", with the proxies settings un-checked and re-name the current one (with the proxies set) as "School" and switch between them as necessary.
Good advice. Let's give it a try (hoping my battery doesn't die on me - I seem to have misplaced the charger)
hmm. maybe try shutting Safari, moving the Safari pref file (Users > you > Library > Preferences > to the desktop, and restarting. (you can move it back later if it doesn't help or you miss the settings)
and are the problem pages on the school network? does this only happen when you're visiting these pages from home, or other pages as well? and at school? Is there anything different about the pages that provoke the error (downloads, secured etc)?
frankblundt said:
and are the problem pages on the school network? does this only happen when you're visiting these pages from home, or other pages as well? and at school? Is there anything different about the pages that provoke the error (downloads, secured etc)?

No dice. Could repaing permissions and the like help (not that I have any idea what that is)

As for pages, nah it seems everywhere now. Only started after plugging in this morning though so it's weird (mind this morning was first time on the school Network too) Nothing different about the pages that I can think of, one is apple's front page. The other is my college homepage. Neither of which seem linked in anyway - there are others too but they're the ones I remember.
The router wouldn't be related as it's happening in both places surely?

Anyone else got anything they can give ideas for me? Failing that I might just restore the book on weekend.
There we go. The second user has no problems. So now I can if I chose just switch stuff over - I'd still like to find the problem if at all possible :)
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