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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 30, 2015
I ordered a Series 2 watch when pre-orders went live and a Series 1 a few days later. I purchased AppleCare+ at the same time with both. I received my S1 on Sept 16 and have been using it. My S2 is scheduled for delivery this week. I received an e-mail from Apple saying my AppleCare+ has been registered on my S2 but received no such confirmation for my S1.

I called support last night and they acknowledged that the AppleCare+ warranty registration for my S1 was never processed and they had to manually intervene to get it done. So this is just a PSA to ensure that if you purchased AppleCare+ to ensure that it is indeed registered properly against all of your devices.

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macrumors 68000
Aug 30, 2011
That why they are sending out confirmation in the way of an email certificate.
Remember to keep a copy of the invoice also.

Seb Hughes

macrumors member
Jan 5, 2008
Glad I came across this post. I bought my watch in store and bought AppleCare with it, just checked and its showing as
Eligible for AppleCare+!!
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