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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2007
I can get a good price with my educator's discount. Both are the same price. I had been using CS for Windows (from my school) before I bought my Mac. So, here's the deal...I am "OK" on it...I love finding and using Actions, mess with curves, create blog banners, etc. I am by no means a PRO but I like to play around and make my family's photos great.

So, I can't figure out the major difference? If I order CS2, I'll get it soon (and I've been without for over a month since I bought my Mac). If I get the PSCS3, I'll have to wait (not that long, I understand, but I'm tired of waiting, and if there is no reason...)



macrumors 68030
Aug 8, 2006
Northern California
If I order CS2, I'll get it soon (and I've been without for over a month since I bought my Mac). If I get the PSCS3, I'll have to wait
Have a look at CS3's new features. There isn't a "lot" but you might find some of them useful. As faustfire said if you have an Intel Mac get CS3 no question.

Since you've been able to wait this long then I don't see why you can't wait a few more weeks for CS3 (if it ships on time).


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2005
Nicosia, Cyprus
Well Adobe isn't known for adding tons of new features in each PS release. But the few new ones they did add are really worth the upgrade. In fact it's the only time after the addition of layers in v3 that i will upgrade without feeling ripped off! :)

To name a few, the new Camera Raw is excellent, non-destructive filters are a must and the fact that it simply flies on new Intel machines make CS3 a great release in my opinion.


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2006
Wenonah, NJ
Unless you need the added features of the extended version of CS3, there's no reason to spend the extra money on that over the regular version of CS3.


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
Unless you need the added features of the extended version of CS3, there's no reason to spend the extra money on that over the regular version of CS3.

The OP said that he can get either one for the same price.

If that's the case, I would certainly opt for CS3.. if for nothing more than the UB.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2007
I think I might have an Intel. When I go to "about" says Intel Core this means I SHOULD wait and get the CS3? Here's a link to the CS3 Extended...can someone please tell me if this is what I need per my original post?

I just don't want to make a mistake...this is a full version...correct? more question...why should I not spend (or why should I spend) the extra money for PS CS# Extended and Photoshop Lightroom Bundle??

And PLEASE...speak very slowly...if you can't tell, I'm a little in the dark here!!


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
No, he said he can get CS3 extended or CS2 for the same price.

:confused: that's what I said, isn't it? Am I missing something? If you can get either for the same price, why would you opt for CS2?

Edit: nevermind, I get it. We were answering different questions. I'm not sure why you started to compare CS3 extended to the regular version of CS3, since I thought the OP was asking if he should wait for CS3 or opt for CS2, both of which he could get for the same price.


macrumors 6502
Mar 30, 2006
Wenonah, NJ
:confused: that's what I said, isn't it? Am I missing something? If you can get either for the same price, why would you opt for CS2?

Edit: nevermind, I get it. We were answering different questions. I'm not sure why you started to compare CS3 extended to the regular version of CS3, since I thought the OP was asking if he should wait for CS3 or opt for CS2, both of which he could get for the same price.

He asked about CS3 extended versus CS2, logically CS3 extended would cost more than the regular version of CS3. The thread title is "PSCS3 Extended or PSCS2? and here's why.." I brought in the argument about CS3 and CS3 extended because I'm pretty sure he doesn't need the extras of CS3 extended that are for video if he's contemplating CS2, thus my recommendation. Of course, he may not have meant the extended version and it could have been a typo.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 27, 2007
Sorry for the wasn't a typo and that's why I came here. I couldn't understand why the price was the same for CS3 extended as for CS2. And I just wondered if I should go ahead and wait (and possibly the mid-april ship date would get delayed)...or just order the CS2 now. But apparently I should wait and order the CS3 due to my mac being Intel.

As I search the site that I am trying to buy from, I cannot find CS3 without the extended. Otherwise, I would just buy that I guess.


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
Sorry for the wasn't a typo and that's why I came here. I couldn't understand why the price was the same for CS3 extended as for CS2. And I just wondered if I should go ahead and wait (and possibly the mid-april ship date would get delayed)...or just order the CS2 now. But apparently I should wait and order the CS3 due to my mac being Intel.

As I search the site that I am trying to buy from, I cannot find CS3 without the extended. Otherwise, I would just buy that I guess.

yeah. Adobe offers neither Photoshop non-extended or Flash Basic with academic pricing.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 21, 2003
The price could be the same because if you purchase PS 2 now you are eligible for a free upgrade to PS 3 until June 25. The upgrade comes under the post announcement promotion for edu and commercial software. So if the price is the same you would be better off getting PS3. If PS CS2 is cheaper than buy it and get the free upgrade to 3. I am buying CS 2.3 premium and getting a free upgrade to CS 3 Design Premium. By doing this I am saving $200.
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