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macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
My landlord/neighbor is looking to move. As a part of the move, they're looking to turn their house into a vacation rental. Since I'm right here, I'll be managing the property if that happens. As a bonus, I get all the wall space in the house to put up pictures, which guests will be able to pluck off the wall when they leave. So far, I've got about a dozen prints up, and I'm probably going to go with 16-18 more (lots of walls!) Has anyone done anything like this? So far I'm going with all 8x10's matted and framed at 11x14. Has anyone done anything like this? If so, any advice?

Let me get this straight. You're going to matt and frame photographs and you fully expect people to pluck them off the wall when they leave? Or are you hoping they will purchase those images before plucking them off the wall? :)

It's a cool idea, since you essentially have a captive audience. And if you have some iconic shots of the area they are visiting, it might work. Maybe ask your landlord to help subsidize the project. They get a beautiful looking rental and you make money on the art. As an incentive, offer to take photos of the place for the vacation rental website.
It's a cool idea, since you essentially have a captive audience. And if you have some iconic shots of the area they are visiting, it might work. Maybe ask your landlord to help subsidize the project. They get a beautiful looking rental and you make money on the art. As an incentive, offer to take photos of the place for the vacation rental website.

I can bill them before or after, I don't mind which!

My thinking was to just have a few images up, but the landlady started looking and we went from my idea of a few images to doing the entire house pretty quickly. It really makes me regret not being able to extend my time at Conowingo in November- a few more Bald Eagle shots would be really welcome right now. As it is, I'm spending a lot of time in RPP and Photoshop trying to get a few images better.

My landlord's fine with the idea, so that's all the subsidizing I'm going to get. I'm already booked for interior photos for the site I'm building next week, as he's finishing painting this week. Unfortunately, my real strobes are in storage 400 miles away in the wrong direction, so I'm going to have to use strobes and see how that goes.

If the place books well, I'll get something for that as the property manager, so this is just a way to gain a few more sales. I'm really, really trying to get into a local gallery that sells well- so matting a framing a few extras wasn't all that big a deal.

Unfortunately, I have to wait for spring to get some local landscapes, but I'm not sure those will outsell many of my best sellers anyway. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth doing a few extra-large prints, but I can put 8x10's out at "impulse buy" prices, larger work takes a larger investment and puts things into the "real money" category. Same thing with panos, which won't fit standard mats and frames- but if I can get into the gallery I want, I'll have that same discussion with the owner there and just piggyback on that. Otherwise, I'm going to have to start driving to all the other local galleries and see what I can get in.

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