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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 11, 2008
For me, multi-tasking on the iPad is all about using safari and an instant messenger at the same time. With the new screen real estate perhaps people could make IM clients with fully functioning browser "windows" that we can use mimicking multi-tasking... like how Tweetie has a built in safari if you click on links?

Just a thought, thinking outside the box with this lack of multi-tasking 'problem'.

If there's any developer of an IM client here... get on it ;)
Rich web applications could be the answer, as long as Javascript handles server interaction (Ajax callbacks and that stuff).

What's that you say, you want Flash, Silverlight and Java? :eek:
I don't have an iPad ;) so a work around is not necessary. I'm merely suggesting this as a way to do it to any app developers.

Rough sketch of how I mean - incredibly ugly but it shows what I mean a little better - user would swipe the sections to hide them, expanding the browser window if not in use.
Interesting. Although many people don't really like everything being in the browser for some odd reason. Let's say the browser crashes due to some odd fault in one webpage (has happened before), you'd potentially lost the whole lot or cause further crashes. There is a workaround for this.
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