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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 12, 2005
I'm planning to buy a PSP. THe question i have is does the PSP work with a Mac? I mean can i transfer pictures, videos etc to my PSP via my Mac? Another thing is, what's the difference between the Value Pack and just the Base Unit Console? Should I spend the extra and get the Value Pack? Does the Base Unit comes with the 32MB Memory? Advice needed...thanks in advance...where's the best place to buy it online besides Amazon? the price seems to be a bit the UK btw...
You will need to buy a PSP usb cable to transfer between the PSP and Mac. When I had my PSP, I used PSPWare, which worked great between the transfer of videos, music and pictures.

Also the 32MB memory stick won't get you anywhere, I would save up and get a 1 or 2 gb memory stick.
don't the PSP comes with the USB Cable? I mean the Base Unit Console...where to get the PSPWare? is it a shareware?
DarkNetworks said:
don't the PSP comes with the USB Cable? I mean the Base Unit Console...where to get the PSPWare? is it a shareware?

Mine didn't come with a usb cable and I bought the value pack when it first came out, so I don't know if they now come with it or not. Regarding PSPWare, it is a $15 software and you can buy it from that link I sent in my last post, since I do not have my PSP anymore I can sell you my full license for $5 if you are interested, it will work with all version and updates of PSPWare.
Yeah i just checked, it comes with an AC Adapter only...i think i need to get the Value pack but Amazon UK doesn't have it with the black console unit. Anywhere else i can buy online?
None of the PSP packages will come with a USB cable, as far as I know. It's just a standard cable, though, so any tech shop will have dozens in stock.

The PSP will show up as a drive on your Mac. From there, you just drag-n-drop content. The biggest problem I've had is getting video to work at a low-enough bitrate to fit a movie or two on my 1GB MSduo.
The thing now is, I wanna get just the Base Console but I'm worried about USB Cable. Even if i buy the Value Pack, White or Black, it still doesn't state if it'll come with the USB Cable. I don't really care about the case, headphones whatsoever pouch but I'm gonna get a 1GB Memory Stick and i need to transfer stuff over and i don't have a wireless connection at home. that'll be a problem...what USB Cable is that can i get it easily?

Can i activate Internet Sharing using my iBook and transfer stuff wirelessly to the PSP? I do haf Airport though...
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I don't know the stores in UK but any computer or tech store should have this USB cable. It is pretty standard. Look in the camera section too because many digital cameras use this cable.
Huh. Odd. Mine came with everything (PSP 1Gb value pack) but then I'm drowning in USB cables anyway. It's a standard miniUSB > USB cable.

It works fine with the Mac, and all the better with iTunes since it supports AAC playback as well as MP3. I occasionally use iTuneMyWalkman to sync audio (it's very useful as it allows you to specify the folder depth since the PSP only accepts a single level of folders for music, i.e. album/track, not artist/album/track), but since I use an iPod for audio/squinting at videos I usually just use the connectivity to the Mac to back up the Memory Stick games info.
Sesshi i think urs is the Giga Pack...
ah i've that USB Cable...looks like I"ll be fine going with just the Base Unit but then, do u think this offer is good?

Looks like a pretty good offer...Should i get a game with the Base Unit or get the base unit with a 1GB Stick? i dunno i've an iPod anyway so i wouldn't do much Music or Videos with the thing. What do u guys think, any advice? what can be done with 1GB memory stick? I dunno since most newer versions are 2.5 and above i guess it's not downgradable so the 1GB memory stick wouldn't be useful as a game source anway.
I would still get the 1GB or a 512MB stick because for software updates and gave saves it does require some space and it is always good to know that you have that extra space in you MS.
DarkNetworks said:
Sesshi i think urs is the Giga Pack...
ah i've that USB Cable...looks like I"ll be fine going with just the Base Unit but then, do u think this offer is good?

Looks like a pretty good offer...Should i get a game with the Base Unit or get the base unit with a 1GB Stick? i dunno i've an iPod anyway so i wouldn't do much Music or Videos with the thing. What do u guys think, any advice? what can be done with 1GB memory stick? I dunno since most newer versions are 2.5 and above i guess it's not downgradable so the 1GB memory stick wouldn't be useful as a game source anway.

That seems like a good deal. I remember gameplay from the dot bomb days, amazed they're still around :D I;d recommend you get a screen protector, I got this one from ebay and it was perfectly OK. I also got a Logitech Playgear Pocket which is a good 'play-in' case. It just makes the PSP more throwable although it's quite bulky.

I think I read somewhere that a 2.5 downgrader was released recently. I'm not into homebrews so I can't say much about it.

Ah yeah you're right, it is the giga pack. Comes complete with totally useless stand and really stupid ear-friendly earphones with resistors inside them! I'd just get a 1gb because even if you're not using it you have the ability to stick stuff on it for that one time you may want to do something like that, if my rambling makes any sense. It is kind of good that I have the option of not taking my iPod, and I can squish some tunes or even a podcast or two on the PSP.
I dunno I'm confused now...someone just told me to get a used PSP from eBay...only with that i can downgrade...brand new ones will come with 2.71 at least...i dunno but i just hate used stuff and i don't like buying from ebay, i heard there're lots of fakes there...
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