Q: will the Public Beta run only till release of the final in oktober, or can I run it longer (ok, I don't)?
Will I be able to update the Public Beta to the final, or have I to do a fresh install?
I don't see why they would do such a thing as put a time limit on it.
The documentation states that it expires.
Really? Where do you see that at? I am part of the beta program and its not listed anywhere on the site that I see.
I don't see why they would do such a thing as put a time limit on it. Its not like they are going to try and force you to pay for the final version. Yosemite is going to be a free upgrade.
They want to make sure people on a supported, updated system. If something develops that needs a fix (like a security hole) they'll update Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion and all other supported OSes. They won't patch the public beta, so they need people off it.
Yes I understand this, but thats with all software. You are rarely forced to upgrade, in fact we are told as part of the beta program we will receive updates. You can run any version of OS X you want, and you don't have to install the most recent versions of it. I would just find it surprising if Apple actually makes it "expire."
Though I will say, even if they do its a non-issue because the final version of this will be free, and it would probably be pretty pointless to remain on the beta.
You don't have to upgrade from Mavericks to Yosemite or Mountain Lion to Mavericks BECAUSE Apple supports and continues to update them. That won't be the case with the beta, so they'll make sure you stop using it.
Yes, but they don't support Tiger and those old versions anymore either but they don't expire.
there is this easy workaround and they are powerless to stop it - hence there is no point.
I don't see why they would do such a thing as put a time limit on it. Its not like they are going to try and force you to pay for the final version. Yosemite is going to be a free upgrade.