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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca
Since having my ipad since day one I've been using it almost non stop, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

And thug I've been using it like crazy there are still places where I've held some reservations about taking it out and messing around with it, even if it was only for an instant to check my email.

For example, I wouldn't dream out taking it out at a random McDonalds, especially if I'm in a shady neighborhood, and though they offer free wifi, it's just not worth the risk or the barrage of people coming up to me to ask questions inside of a McDonalds. I haven't yet taken it to Starbucks but I don't think I'd mind pulling it out there.

I have not taken it to school yet, which is surprising. Maybe its just me but I haven't seen one person on that campus with an iPad and don't wanna seem like a shumck pulling one out in class to take notes..or taking it out at the on campus library while everyone runs their laptops.


The places I have taken it out are Borders, long drives (though not public), and a restaurant (which wasn't the greatest, only cause I was by myself at the time waiting for others to arrive so checked my email and all of a sudden I became the focal point of the room)

But I am very curious as to where you take it out. Not to work but rather public places..I'm in so cal which is surprising to me as to why I myself haven't seen other ipads out in the wild, only mine.
I don't overthink it... if I need/want to use it, I use it. Then again, I don't find myself in any really questionable areas either :confused:
I haven't taken mine out in public yet at all--just haven't had the chance to really. Now that you mention it, I've only seen one iPad in public here in NYC--a guy on the subway was using one a few weeks ago but I haven't seen one since. Odd.
Funny story. I had an older lady (who I think was hard of hearing) ask me what the iPad was. It went like this....

Her: "what is that?"
Me: "an iPad"
Her: "that's a big iPod"
Me: "no, it's an iPAd"
Her: "iPod?"
Me: "iPad"
Her: "oh, an iPod"
Me: "iPad!!"
Her: "my iPod looks different"

I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.

I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.


I think Sam Walton drove a rusty pickup truck and wore old clothes too.
I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.


You're a funny dude! :D
School library. Barnes and noble. Class. Coffe bean. Friends houses. My house. Basically everywhere I go. And if I feel that I "might" need it, I just take it with me and leave it in the trunk of my car incase I need it.
A couple weeks ago we went on vacation and I was messin' around with it at LAX. We quickly became the focal point and had at least 3-4 people come up and ask how we liked it and other random questions.

We were in Mexico and I was using it to read by the pool. Didn't get a second look at all while using it although I did see one other guy with one by the pool.
I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.


Heart this post :)
Yesterday I was using mine at a restaurant (not a McDonalds, but a grill-type place with average ~$30 entrees), and noticed that the couple next to me had one out too!

Also I went to see a movie and was using it before the movie until a movie theater employee walked over and told me put it away because the trailers were playing and the screen was too bright.
I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.


Funniest shyte I've ever read on this board. That's some sophisticated comedy right there.

As for me, the only public place I could think/would want to use my iPad would be a public restroom, especially while at the urinal.
I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.


Wow you're full of yourself bud. You make other Apple enthusiasts look bad. I mean c'mon, your thread is littered with 'what you own'

BMW, Trophy Wife, 3g model iPad so idk how all you wifi'ers can relate, guy was jealous because i own a BMW + iPad wtf??/

get a life punk.
Wow you're full of yourself bud. You make other Apple enthusiasts look bad. I mean c'mon, your thread is littered with 'what you own'

BMW, Trophy Wife, 3g model iPad so idk how all you wifi'ers can relate, guy was jealous because i own a BMW + iPad wtf??/

get a life punk.

Wow, get a sense of humor
Wow you're full of yourself bud. You make other Apple enthusiasts look bad. I mean c'mon, your thread is littered with 'what you own'

BMW, Trophy Wife, 3g model iPad so idk how all you wifi'ers can relate, guy was jealous because i own a BMW + iPad wtf??/

get a life punk.

I'm pretty sure it was a joke:D
Wow you're full of yourself bud. You make other Apple enthusiasts look bad. I mean c'mon, your thread is littered with 'what you own'

BMW, Trophy Wife, 3g model iPad so idk how all you wifi'ers can relate, guy was jealous because i own a BMW + iPad wtf??/

get a life punk.

Um, I think the irony of ...

I mean flying objects whizzing by your head is probably ...

Probably best I let others say better what I'm trying to.
Wow you're full of yourself bud. You make other Apple enthusiasts look bad. I mean c'mon, your thread is littered with 'what you own'

BMW, Trophy Wife, 3g model iPad so idk how all you wifi'ers can relate, guy was jealous because i own a BMW + iPad wtf??/

get a life punk.


Bj's post was ***** hilarious.
I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.


Was laughing my butt off, thought this was funniest post of the thread, until I read this...

Wow you're full of yourself bud. You make other Apple enthusiasts look bad. I mean c'mon, your thread is littered with 'what you own'

BMW, Trophy Wife, 3g model iPad so idk how all you wifi'ers can relate, guy was jealous because i own a BMW + iPad wtf??/

get a life punk.

I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.


It's not entirely clear if your being sarcastic or not. If not, you make me want to return my iPad immediately so as not to categorized as being like you.
I only have 16 gig 3G but we own a Porsche. I think that trumps your 64 and Beemer.

I use mine everywhere, even when I don't need to use it.

I drove by a gas station yesterday, saw a guy in a rusty Ford pickup arguing with his girlfriend, so even though my BMW's tank was 80% full, I decided to top it off just to hear what they were fighting about. Turns out they were bickering about money problems, how she feels he needs to get a job, etc. The baby is crying in the back seat, they're wearing dirty clothes.

So I open up the door to my shiny new BMW and start pumping the gas and she looks over at me with this "I wish I was married to that guy" look and he looks over at me with this "I hate this bastard" look and I turn around, go back in the car, grab the iPad, and start using it. They stopped fighting and got silent. It was priceless. Salvation Army parking lots, WalMart eyecare centers, McDonald's drivethru windows. Everywhere is a great place to whip out the iPad.

I've got a 3G so I can understand how some of you wi-fi types likely can't relate.

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