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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 20, 2009
Kingsport TN
Well I just pulled the trigger. With my mom's permission I used her credit card i pay half she pays half for my birthday tomorrow I ordered from macmall a 2.53 ghz 4 gigs of ram 320gb harddrive mac mini. Wondering what free apps i already have some in a folder i new i wanted to use what are others that would be good to use with the mini. I already have open office, the programs i use for my video conversions in there mac format.
Your first Mac?

Emulators and ancient PC-like beige boxes aside, a G4 Mac mini was my first real foray into the world of Apple, and I loved it. I made the mistake of buying a new PC (mainly for gaming) a few years back, it gets a little use but generally once you go Mac you don't go back.

I wish I had kept my G4 mini, or could justify buying the new server version, I really loved that little fella!
yeap first mac i have ever owned i have used the older ones but thats been back in the 80's early 90's when i was a kid and using them for school i used apple II and some of the first macintoshes in school i realy liked them my first time using a pc was when i hit middle school in 91-93 cannot remember

P.S. for the ones wondering why i used my mothers credit card we both use each others cards but we pay them off its a plan we worked out together. If I want something and she oks it i use hers i pay hers off or like my birthday i pay half of it and the same with my card.

P.S.S oh and i plan to get the apple care from amazon they have it about 40 dollars cheaper a lot of times
OP, hope the mini might help with the grammar. Even after reading your posts twice, I'm not quite sure I understand what it is you are asking about.
Well funny thing is i have my receipts from macmall and they said i have placed my order and i have a order confirmation #. They said we will be sending you a confirmation email well i have yet to receive the email and it was like 1030 eastern time when i ordered the thing. Plus on the macmall web site it says i have no orders in the account. For the people who used macmall how long did it take them to process your order for your macs
Have fun with the new Mac, I switched almost 2 years ago now and having not really used an Apple since my family bought the brand new :apple:][e, that first 24-48 hours is quite the brain buster :eek: But it's all good now.
Well funny thing is i have my receipts from macmall and they said i have placed my order and i have a order confirmation #. They said we will be sending you a confirmation email well i have yet to receive the email and it was like 1030 eastern time when i ordered the thing. Plus on the macmall web site it says i have no orders in the account. For the people who used macmall how long did it take them to process your order for your macs

I've used them numerous times. Don't recall their speed, but I'm not aware of any online vendor that processes orders in only a few hours time on a weekend. If it's being shipped UPS, the earliest UPS would even pick it up from them is Monday afternoon/evening. So from MacMall's perspective, there's no rush on weekend orders since they aren't going anywhere until Monday afternoon/evening anyway.
Ah ok thanks I guess I am just very impatient wanting the new mac cant wait to dive into it.

oh note its being shipped fedex eco 2 days so Wednesday I should get it I hope now to find my dvi to vga adapter for the initial setup before I hook it up to my 42 hi def tv.
Well Their retail stores have been open for a limited number of hours now and still no confirmation email from them. It said the mini is coming from Torrance California were one of there retail stores is at.

Well dummy me finally figured out since i ordered the mini and i do not have a normal mac mall account. Ineeded to go to another part of the order confirmation page for single order status it says pending.

P.S. well i got some news the mini has shipped it says it will be at my house tuesday at 4:30 hopefully earlier in the day
Well Well news from my shipment its at the other end of my state. Its suppose to be here tuesday but i am thinking monday or very early tuesday i hope.
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