I'm back to report on how it's going.
In short, it's awesome! My setup works very well indeed. Using Photoshop (most of my time) is fantastic. I've worked on both 200+ layered website mockups and multi-GB photograph stitches and haven't seen the beach ball yet. Saving files is also pretty fast due to the RAID0 stripe data drive.
I run the Diglloyd RAM warmup script when PShop fires up, so I always have 24GB RAM at the ready for this app alone. Not sure how much of a real-world difference this makes, but it makes me feel good
The machine is
much quieter than the 1,1. The old Mac Pro always span the fans at full speed for a few seconds when started up, and sometimes when it woke from sleep. Generally the fans were audible during work, but not loud enough to be distracting (besides, I listen to headphones while I work,
but they are open so I can hear most things). The 5,1 is flippin'
silent in comparison!
My old Pro took
around 23 seconds to run the
Speed Test. The 5,1 clocking in at around 12.4 seconds. I haven't run a geekbench score.
The system is lightning fast running from a two striped SSDs. Everything is instant. PShop launches in around 34 seconds, and other Adobe apps are the same. All systems stuff like preferences, Disk Utility etc are very close to instant. The 1,1 ran off one SSD and I think I can tell the difference, but it is negligible you wont save hours of time running a striped array of SSDs, but the snappiness can be felt I believe.
Would I recommend upgrading from a 1,1? Absolutely! But if you're in the 'new Mac Pro is around the corner' camp, I'd probably wait a couple months. I don't have any regrets at all, but if you've waited this long a couple more months probably won't kill you.
If I'm 100% honest, the just under $6K I spent on my 5,1 probably does not equate to the performance increase over
my swapped-CPU 1,1 (which is now
for sale in Kuala Lumpur). However the increase is definitely noticeable and welcome, as is the snappiness and lack of audible running noise.
If you in the 'Mac Pro is dead' camp, don't hesitate to pick one up (if you haven't already).