Hi all,
Apple approved my pumpkin carving app, Pumpkins, for sale yesterday, and it's available for $0.99 at http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=292179578&mt=8 Enjoy!
What's odd, though, is that it shows up as released on Sept. 24, which is when I submitted it, and not yesterday, which is when it was made available for sale. That's rather unfortunate because it means it's hidden away a couple pages deep instead of being easily viewable when you sort by release date. I hope you all have fun, and Happy Halloween!
Now back to FlipBook
Apple approved my pumpkin carving app, Pumpkins, for sale yesterday, and it's available for $0.99 at http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=292179578&mt=8 Enjoy!
What's odd, though, is that it shows up as released on Sept. 24, which is when I submitted it, and not yesterday, which is when it was made available for sale. That's rather unfortunate because it means it's hidden away a couple pages deep instead of being easily viewable when you sort by release date. I hope you all have fun, and Happy Halloween!
Now back to FlipBook