Are there any perks for purchasing a new Macbook Pro from an Apple store direct, or is purchasing one anywhere the same? Do they only offer college discounts at the Apple store?
I visited the Apple Store here in Kansas City on Tuesday, and was very disappointed with the help and knowledge of the staff, and to boot they didn't have the Macbook Pro I wanted, and did not offer to have one ordered. The sales person simply told me to call back, or go online and order one.
I'm also having a hard time deciding between the entry level Macbook Pro or the mid level Macbook.
I visited the Apple Store here in Kansas City on Tuesday, and was very disappointed with the help and knowledge of the staff, and to boot they didn't have the Macbook Pro I wanted, and did not offer to have one ordered. The sales person simply told me to call back, or go online and order one.
I'm also having a hard time deciding between the entry level Macbook Pro or the mid level Macbook.