Finally, it works. I am so glad.
how did you did that ?
I have no facebook in my version ( i made the latest update) !
Worked in the old Release too.
what about twitter interaction does it appear like mentions or not
Twitter works perfectly. Mentions appear in notification center. But nothing works for Facebook . Doesnt show up in notification center.
what about interactions "e.x if someone follows you, or retweets you tweet
I don't get interactions. Just mentions I get . Also still no Facebook Notifications. What about you ?
When was the 1GB update released? The last update I got was the Security Test update. Now it just say All apps are up to date. What's the build number after this mythical update?
EDIT: Hang on, not getting any 1GB updates even when checking Software Update from the Apple menu? My build number is 12A256, and my notigication looks like this (No Banners/Notification switch and says Click to Tweet/Post instead of Twitter/Facebook):
If you want the notification switch to show just scroll up in notification center and you will see it.
somehow notification is still not working for me, i'm on the latest dp4 (build 12A256), I could tweet and post facebook statuses but haven't been able to receive notifications :O
anyone's got any ideas??
i have same installation and twitter works ok. how about click on twitter mention notification? redirect to browser or twitter app? my notifications going to browser. i already installed official twitter app.