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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 21, 2009
I was really looking forward to using push notifications, they are my most anticipated feature of iPhone OS 3.0, but guess what? It absolutely kills battery life. So much that I can't use this feature if I want to get anything more than 5 hours of standby with 3G turned on - on a fully charged battery. And that's just for keeping it on, without any notification actually coming in.

It drains the battery so much that the iPhone feels constantly warm, even when on standby. Actually, it seems it doesn't even go fully in standby, since the running time and data usage (those in the phone prefs) go up even when the screen is locked and there are no apps running.

Apple said push would reduce battery life by 20%, what a lie. I feel cheated.
by what apple said, PNS only has one connection, so it doesn't matter if you have 1 app using it or 20, you'll still get the same amount of battery drain. I've had PNS turned on for Tap Tap and I've yet to notice any changes on mine.
It sounds like you have a problem with the phone. And you're not at the Apple Store having it looked at because...
I am ruling out having a defective iPhone because a close friend of mine has an iPhone and it has the same exact problem with it. Plus, we both restored our iPhones and still this problem won't go away.

Also, I made a quick search on twitter using "iphone push battery" as keywords and it returned a like a hundred results of people having the same problem I have.

Now, since I am assuming everybody who replied so far is speaking the truth, I am starting to wonder what is going wrong exactly.
Maybe it's the phone carrier that isn't compatible with push notifications so the phone keeps trying extablishing a connection in a never ending loop?
That is the only plausible explanation that comes up in my mind... but still, I am using my iPhone with TIM, a carrier officially supported by Apple in Italy, so they should have tested it.

Damn, this sucks.
I have you tried restarting the iPhone, then put it in stand by with push turned on, but not opening any apps after you turn it on. I had a problem with app not closing properly and keeping a constant 3g contention killing my battery.
No difference here! I have taptap2, freetext unlimited,
and ap news. If anything im saving a ton of battery power
because im not opening those apps all the time.
And the update was free... Beggers cant be choosers or
feel cheated imo.
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