Currently Iphone shuts off wifi when it goes into sleep mode and I suspect the Ipad will do the same.
Which means that push on the Ipad is going to suck?
Anyone have any experience how the ipod touch does this?
iPod touch is the same way. When it goes to standby, the wifi turns off to conserve power. Once out of standy, it reconnects to wifi and then push begins. Only way I know of to enable full time push on the iPad is to get the 3G version and 3g service.
An active iPhone account should always receive Push Notifications because even though the WiFi shuts off to preserve the battery, you still have a cellular connection (3G or EDGE) that allows the Notifications to get through.
as far as the iPad goes, no one will know until its released wether the WiFi signal will shut off or remain on, but seeing as Steve Jobs promised over a Month of Stand By time, I'm going to guess that the WiFi signal won't stay on.
Am I missing something??? Please someone tell me "Yes"... My Blackberry would give and alert me to my new email all day. My iPhone only gives me a number of email messages above the Mail icon. When you all refer to "Push", should/can my iPhone be giving me my email in the same way as the Blackberry did? Can my iPhone have my email pop up on the home screen as text messages do?
And sorry if the answer is obvious to a hard core Apple person. I'm a recent convert. Thanks.
Funny... most posts sound like "i wish the iPad was really a big iPhone"
You REALLY need push notifications on while its asleep? No, not really.
if you can have it check every 15 minutes say it's virtually the same as push.