objective-c newbie
I'm using pushViewController with a manually loaded xib/nib file. In my view controller I implement viewDidLoad to change the button labels on a navigation bar. Next I want to the focus to be the one and only textfield defined in my view. I've tried a couple of approaches from googling, but nothing seems to work. What I want is that after the view loads, to place the focus on the textfield and display the popup keyboard (btw any easy way to limit the contents to numbers and letters [a-zA-Z0-9]).
I've tried in the view controller to implement canBecomeFirstResponder returning YES, no effect.
I've tried calling becomeFirstResponder on the view, no effect.
So what am I missing here? It sounds like from apple docs that this should just detect the first textfield and give it focus, so is my xib file somehow wrong?
Also this whole exercise was an attempt to get a single value from the user, the navigation contains a save & cancel button. Is there no way to pop up a simple Dialog for this info? ie a simple API based approach?
I'm using pushViewController with a manually loaded xib/nib file. In my view controller I implement viewDidLoad to change the button labels on a navigation bar. Next I want to the focus to be the one and only textfield defined in my view. I've tried a couple of approaches from googling, but nothing seems to work. What I want is that after the view loads, to place the focus on the textfield and display the popup keyboard (btw any easy way to limit the contents to numbers and letters [a-zA-Z0-9]).
I've tried in the view controller to implement canBecomeFirstResponder returning YES, no effect.
I've tried calling becomeFirstResponder on the view, no effect.
So what am I missing here? It sounds like from apple docs that this should just detect the first textfield and give it focus, so is my xib file somehow wrong?
Also this whole exercise was an attempt to get a single value from the user, the navigation contains a save & cancel button. Is there no way to pop up a simple Dialog for this info? ie a simple API based approach?