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MacBoy88 said:
I was wondering if someone could tell me how to get an iMovie onto a vcd.
from imovie, export to quicktime, full quality dv
then i use ffmpegx , to encode it to mpeg1 format and author as vcd
then toast/MMB to burn it..

How to create a VCD - MacAddict Apr03

MacBoy88 said:
I was wondering if someone could tell me
how to get an iMovie onto a vcd.
MacBoy88, checkout the April 2003 issue of MacAddict.

In it you will find an Article on HOW TO...
  • Create a Video CD
    Wanna share your iMovie creations with folks who don't have a computer?
    Create a VCD of your work that can play in a home DVD player for easy boob-tubing.
Also, check out information at about Toast or look in HELP in Toast 6 if you already have it.
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