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macrumors P6
Original poster
Jul 4, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Each year I have a playlist where I keep the newly purchased/ripped songs. I prefer to have them at the top/beginning of that playlist so I can access them quickly, but dragging them to a playlist puts them at the bottom of the list. Is there a way to place them at the top/beginning of a playlist without opening that playlist in a new window first?
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'Date Added' only works in Song view and is based on when a track finishes downloading so it breaks the track order, albums would have to download in reverse order for the track order to be correct, of albums.
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That isn't an option in Playlist view and it breaks the track order of albums.
Oh sorry, I thought that was what you were asking about.

On an unrelated topic, Do you know how to change the default iPhone backup destination folder when syncing iphone to the Mac in the Music App on Big Sur to an external harddrive destination?
'Date Added' only works in Song view and is based on when a track finishes downloading so it breaks the track order, albums would have to download in reverse order for the track order to be correct, of albums.
I know this is possible if the "date added" is the same for all the tracks of the album. You would sort by date added, and then sort by track number. You can only do this in Song view, but if you switch back to playlist view, the order should stay the same. At least, this was the case in iTunes.
You can do Date Order, Ascending, but the problem remains that the date is based on download time so unless the tracks download in reverse order to get the newest songs first the album track order is reversed.
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Not quite what you’re seeking but here’s an alternative idea.

I’m a huge fan of iTunes “Smart Playlists”. You can set up all kind of rules for them.

When I import new songs I spend some time adding attributes to the song. Genre(s), Artist, etc. I add “Star Ratings”. 5 Stars are the very best. 1 Star is junk. If I’m uncertain I give it 3 stars. A song may be in multiple playlists depending on its attributes and star rating. A song can have more than one genre.

For example I have a “Very Best” Smart Playlist. It automatically pulls in all my very favorite songs that have 5 Stars from every Genre. Except it has a rule to exclude the Genre “Holiday” (Xmas Music).

So maybe create a New Songs “Smart Playlist” and as one of the rules have it pull in all songs that have been played less than 10 times. An additional rule could be sort by date added. Once a song has been played 10 times it should automatically drop from the New Songs playlist. This same song can also be in other playlists - either “Smart” or manual. Make your “Smart Playlists” from the top level “Songs” menu.
Not quite what you’re seeking but here’s an alternative idea.

What I want to accomplish is to drag an album or songs to a playlist in the sidebar and have those tracks appear at the beginning (top) of its playlist list while maintaining the track order of those albums.

I use smart playlists for organizing based on stars and Im pretty methodical about genres and mic names, but Im not sure which rules I can use to accomplish the ordering I want since Date Added reverses track order.
Solution likely beyond my limited ability.

I suspect the answer lies within the creation of a Smart Playlist with the proper rules. Probably combined with assigning appropriate attributes to the songs when they are imported. When calling up song attributes under the Options tab I see there is place to check “Remember playback position”. That might be part of the solution. Or maybe making use of the checkmark box when viewing “As Songs” and using that as a sort criteria.

So I will step back now and, hopefully, someone smarter will step in.
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