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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 4, 2011
San Francisco
I like to keep my files organized by tags, because a given file has so many categories that organizing by folders isn't really adequate. So I have lots of tags. And, now that I have so many, adding a brand new one stalls Finder for literally minutes while the "beach ball" revolves -- I haven't timed it, but it feels like as much as 10 minutes of just sitting there waiting until I can use Finder again.

I realize that the operating system has to add the new tag to some kind of database, and coordinate all the thousands of files that already have tags, etc. But Mozilla Thunderbird mail tags, for one example, don't take anywhere near as long -- a second or two at most. And I have considerably more Mozilla Firefox bookmark tags than I do Macbook file tags, and it's virtually instantaneous to add a new one of them.

Why does Mac take so long? And is there any way to speed it up? As is, it's just not practical to add any more new tags.
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