try put it in DFU (switch off, hold both buttons for 10s, release power button while holding home button for another 10s)
connect to itunes. restore. set up as new phone.
p.s. repwn your firmware. check all 3 boxes in first option, BN check everything except update BL, uncheck installer, uncheck custom logos and build.
Did the repwn and restored as a NEW phone. .it found the old backup and restored it EXCEPT for all the applications from Cydia that i installed or Installer and lost all the customize and winterboard apps.. Hmmm????
have to update photos and music separate also?? any ideas if there is another bug???
Not a bug, iTunes won't backup or restore Cydia/Installer apps or any customized themes, etc.
OK that i understand but why does it keep asking if i want to back up or start as a NEW phone???
Mine did the same. In the end I just chose the new phone option. The apps and settings remained and it just re-synced the music. At least I didn't have to rearrange all my icons.
How the hell did you keep your settings if you set it up as a new phone? What settings are you referring to? I did that and lost everything except my sync data.... very irritating.
I wish somebody would write an app that would set us free from frickin iTunes in regards to backing up, restoring and syncing. Apple's solution is very poorly implemented.
I'd pay money for that app, for sure. Any takers?