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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 19, 2006
I was running FW2.0 since the release of the 3G. I managed to get 3days out of it with 6hrs usage in them 3 days.

I jailbroke - for the only reason of me being able to change the New Mail alert sound and an SMS tone using SSH. I am pretty certain that the battery is not lasting as long as it was pre-jailbreak.

People are saying SSH is to blame, but others say SSH terminates when not in use?

I am going to try uninstalling SSH tonight - and doing a full charge to see how it goes. I would hate to lose the jailbreak as there are going to be some good useful apps coming (like Taskbar notifier hopefully).

Anyone else having battery + jailbreak 2.0 related incidents?
Im using a 2G iphone JB/UL and have noticed my battery is terrible compared to 1.14.

1:24 Usage
20:20 Standbye


I would be at around 70 with 1.1.4.

I also had SSH turned OFF in 1.1.4, so perhaps SSH is to blame. Anyone else care to chime in?
I jailbroke and activated with pwnage 2.01 and noticed both performance and battery issues. I redid it, this time leaving Cydia out (in other words, activating, but not jailbreaking). Battery and performance definitely are better.
I jailbroke and activated with pwnage 2.01 and noticed both performance and battery issues. I redid it, this time leaving Cydia out (in other words, activating, but not jailbreaking). Battery and performance definitely are better.


Getting rid of Cydia fixed my battery issues
I jailbroke and activated with pwnage 2.01 and noticed both performance and battery issues. I redid it, this time leaving Cydia out (in other words, activating, but not jailbreaking). Battery and performance definitely are better.

You're still jailbreaking the phone. You need to in order to activate. I might try this out to see if my battery life is better. I fully charged my iPhone at 12 yesterday and was down to 25% at 6 PM...

Edit: Scratch that, just saw BossPrefs in Cydia...
I also notice performance issues, everything SMS, phonebook, mail are really lagging compared to 1.1.4. Anyone else?
Can we just clear up -

Jailbreaking is probably not causing the lag. FW2.0 is laggy even on a brand new phone (i.e. not jailbroked).

I have turned SSH off in Cydia. See if that helps.
You don't have to have SSH!

It is not an automatic part of the jailbreak so its not a big deal but using BossPrefs to turn it off works as well!
Can we just clear up -

Jailbreaking is probably not causing the lag. FW2.0 is laggy even on a brand new phone (i.e. not jailbroked).

I have turned SSH off in Cydia. See if that helps.

for sure, 2.0 is very buggy. i dont think it's a pwnage issue at all
Subscribed i did notice that it ate through the battery like twice as fast. Freaking stupid. I know this is cool and all but the battery life was horrible to begin with.
I found that installing BossPrefs and turning off SSH really helps with the sluggish interface.

SSH will consume battery very quickly when turned on. Only today did BossPrefs appear on Cydia which allows you to switch SSH off. Before this was available I simply uninstalled SSH entirely after accomplishing what I needed (security risk anyway). Cydia is slightly buggy and I would recommend holding the Home Button to force quit this program. Heck if you only use it once a week restart the iPhone just in case there are background tasks.

All said and done my battery life today is...


...and I haven't even got the 10% warning yet!
Wait you just open the app and then hold the home button to force it and all its background tasks to shut down?
What is ssh?

Google for technical information. As the iPhone is concerned, it allows you to 'see' the filesystem and make changes. Also used to backup or transfer files between computers securely.
I have no problems with battery life and I gave 2G iPhone Pwned to 2.0 recently.

Currently my phone is showing:
Usage: 6 hours 57 minutes
Standby: 3 days 11 hours

and some 35% battery left :).

I have also noticed performance (lagging) issues with the 2.0 FW. The whole phone seems to have slower responses, which are most noticable in iPod when scrolling through album artworks and switching back to see song list..
Ditto on installing Boss Prefs. Turned SSH off and the phone is nowhere near as sluggish as it was.

Also beware of keeping Push on for everything, it eats battery life as well.

After a few days my iPhone is working really well, no crashes yet, all smooth since I updated Cydia and turned SSH off.
Wait you just open the app and then hold the home button to force it and all its background tasks to shut down?

Yaup. I thought most of the new (if not all?) apps don't run background tasks, but regardless the Cydia ones might. Its a good tip to use.
Is there any other way to turn off SSH seeing as i left Cydia out of my custom FW
I just tried to log onto the phone via SSH but it wouldn't work is it safe to say SSH is turned off then?
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