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is there a way to do it that doesn't require winpwn?
i think i jailbroke my phone the last time by just downloading a custom file and directing itunes to it, i think
yea could someone with a mac just upload the custom 2.0.1 iPhone 3G Firmware with installer and cydia but without the custom logoes for the windows users ^^ appreciated
Update or Restore?

Can i just update the new pwnage firmware instead of restoring?
I read something about that in the Dev team blog but i'm not sure about it?
Any help?

Just Pwned my 2G with pwnage 2.0.2 with iPhone FW 2.0.1. No issues whatsoever, all smooth and I'm now syncing with iTunes.

Best guide there is the iClarified format.
Not sure

I did NOT update my 3G to the 2.0.1 but did download it and pwned found that and made the file I need to use I guess with the pwned application.

IS THIS going to cause a problem? or should I just go ahead and use that ?

Hey i got a question: This is my first Jailbreak. Shall i do something special or just follow a iClarified guide? And when you Jailbreak, do you then update thrug the programe or do you improve the Firmware that is already on (2.0.1 in this chase?) Anyway right now i got a pretty good Windoes Vista computer and a Iphone 3g with 2.0.1 official Apple firmware. What shall i do? shall i just Jailbreak normally with WinPwn 2.5 (when it comes) or shall i downgrade(if i can)
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