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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 1, 2008
I got an iPhone today, and I plugged it in to my Mac. I have a Touch that I hacked with ZiPhone a while ago, and when I first plugged in my iPhone to my Mac, a screen appeared that said "Set up Your Phone" and it gave me a couple of options, one was to set it up as a new phone, and the other was to restore from a back up of my Touch. With out thinking I chose to restore from the back up of my Touch.

I then realized what I did, and then clicked on the update button (the iPhone had 2.0 firmware, and I updated to 2.1).

Then I downloaded Pwnage Tool 2.1 and went through all the steps it told me to, and when I go to restore the iPhone with the custom firmware it makes, I get an error 1600. This happens every time, and I have gone through the steps in Pwnage Tool to make the custom firmware at least 5 or 6 times.

what version of itunes do you have? when i pwned my iphone with pwnagetool 2.1 i had itunes 8, it might not make a difference but it is something...
I got an iPhone today, and I plugged it in to my Mac. I have a Touch that I hacked with ZiPhone a while ago, and when I first plugged in my iPhone to my Mac, a screen appeared that said "Set up Your Phone" and it gave me a couple of options, one was to set it up as a new phone, and the other was to restore from a back up of my Touch. With out thinking I chose to restore from the back up of my Touch.

I then realized what I did, and then clicked on the update button (the iPhone had 2.0 firmware, and I updated to 2.1).

Then I downloaded Pwnage Tool 2.1 and went through all the steps it told me to, and when I go to restore the iPhone with the custom firmware it makes, I get an error 1600. This happens every time, and I have gone through the steps in Pwnage Tool to make the custom firmware at least 5 or 6 times.


Unhook from itunes and reboot. Are you seeing a pineapple or a regular apple?

If you are seeing pineapple-power up and the picture of steve jobs shuld appear (indicating DFU mode). I have seen this 4 times today :) Finally know why though...

I you see a "regular" apple-you may need to try and restore earlier version of the software on itunes version < 8.0
I'm using iTunes 8, and when I power up the phone I see the regular apple logo.

How do I downgrade iTunes?
O.K. I downloaded the 2.0 firmware, and I remembered I had a powermac that had iTunes 7.7 on it.

When I tried to install the 2.0 firmware I get an error 1013.
Ever since I tried to downgrade to 2.0 on the iTunes 7.7 my iPhone only shows the screen with the iTunes picture and a usb cable underneath it. I can't get it out of that screen.

I'm having the same problem. I've reinstalled iTunes 8 and changed USB ports — no dice. Hopefully this is a bug with PwnageTool and I haven't bricked my phone. :(
Woohoo! I figured it out. Basically, you need PwnageTool AND QuickPwn.

1) Make your hacked IPSW in the latest version of PwnageTool to your liking.
2) Restore to the regular, Apple-supplied version of iPhone 2.1.
3) When the iPhone comes up complaining about your incompatible or missing SIM card, launch QuickPwn and let it do its thing. It doesn't much matter what you choose at this point, but the important thing is that it will be able to detect the iPhone. Let it hack away at its heart's content.
4) Once it finishes, it'll popup in iTunes asking to restore from a backup or whatever. Choose 'set up as new iPhone' and on the following screen untick autosync of everything. Cancel the sync that initiates after that so the iPhone's just sitting there.
5) Alt-click restore and select the firmware you created with PwnageTool.
6) Success! :D

Took me a while, and I was worried I was hosed several times, but all is now good. Funnily enough, I was on 2.1 already but I wanted to do a clean install just to be tidy. Punishment for my silliness, I guess!
I'm having the same problem. I've reinstalled iTunes 8 and changed USB ports — no dice. Hopefully this is a bug with PwnageTool and I haven't bricked my phone. :(

Yeah, if I can get it back to 2.1 I'm just gonna say **** it. And just keep it on an un jailbroken firmware for now.
YEAH!!! I'm finally back to 2.1, but I still can't get the Pwnage Tool custom firmware to install. I have ATT so I don't have to worry about activating it or making it accept other SIM cards.

I'm afraid I did something horribly wrong when I accidentally chose to restore it from my Touch. I really wanted Cycorder, too.
Dammit, now it says "No Service"

I know I get service, I have ATT and I got it today God Dammit!

Did I **** up my iPhone?
I also get this every time I plug in my iPhone:

UPDATE: I used QuickPwn v1.1 for Mac and it worked great. PwnageTool just didn't work for me for some reason.

Now the only problem I have is that error message that pops up in iTunes whenever I plug my iPhone it. When I hit OK on that message iTunes recognizes my phone fine, it only appears when I first plug in my phone.
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