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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 4, 2008
just (earlier this morning) noticed that the NEW PwnageTool 2.0.2 will be released in a few hours (it says by Thursday for sure)!!!

why sure you care? the blog doesn't say it, but i think it's so you can unlock the latest iPhone 2.0.1 Firmware version (which has some bug fixes from iPhone 2.0 version).

check it out (here's the link for you newbies):

The blog specifically says Thursday. Good enough for me.

I really just want my wallpaper for a background for now. Fingers crossed.
so when this is release, you go through the steps to pwn it like before.
then can you option click UPGRADE rather than RESTORE in itunes? and while i'm at it can i also reset the boot logo back to the apple? and then if you do that, will all of your apps and settings (winterboard and stuff) be there like before??
i dont wanna re-do all of that with the icons and apps and everything...would be tedious..

just (earlier this morning) noticed that the NEW PwnageTool 2.0.2 will be released in a few hours (it says by Thursday for sure)!!!

why sure you care? the blog doesn't say it, but i think it's so you can unlock the latest iPhone 2.0.1 Firmware version (which has some bug fixes from iPhone 2.0 version).

check it out (here's the link for you newbies):


Hey guys,

I have a 2G iphone pwned with the 2.0 firmware, and I read somewhere in the iphone hack forum that you can just upgrade and your phone still works unlocked, HOWEVER your jailbroken apps will disappear. For those who don't care about it, you can just upgrade! :D
PwnageTool 2.0.2 and Installer 4.0 together!!!

yes, that's right!!! :D
i went ahead and installed the 2.0.1 software so when it is released i can PWN IT!!!
Pwnage will be released tomorrow!!

Installer 4 and PwnageTool 2.0.2

We’ve just had word that our friends at RiPDev almost have Installer 4 (Beta) ready for public beta release, with that awesome news we’ve decided to include it in the PwnageTool 2.0.2 release, we are waiting for the software from them and we need to quickly test and add a small couple of changes that go alongside Installer.

Usually we don’t give release dates, this is so we don’t feel pressured into releasing something if it isn’t ready, or we can hold off if something comes up in the last minute (last time this was the addition of the 3G jailbreak), today we thought we were releasing, and you guys seemed restless (we read the comments) so we said “sometime today”.

We think the Installer 4 beta is big news, and I’m sure lots of you guys want it and because of this the release should now take place sometime tomorrow (Friday), we want to do all this in one hit, we don’t want to make two releases in two days (we all have day jobs too!), and besides the work has already begun to prepare PwnageTool for Installer 4, people will always say “you should have done this” and “you should have done that”, but we think that this is the best way to lighten the load on our servers and more importantly team-members while still giving you guys all the features you want.

We don’t want to keep you guys refreshing and commenting to ask where the latest update is, so we thought we’d just tell you now.

This release will of course include the new release of cydia that has bugfixes and new features.

Please don’t wait up for us, PwnageTool 2.0.2 with shiny new stuff is coming very soon.
just (earlier this morning) noticed that the NEW PwnageTool 2.0.2 will be released in a few hours (it says by Thursday for sure)!!!

why sure you care? the blog doesn't say it, but i think it's so you can unlock the latest iPhone 2.0.1 Firmware version (which has some bug fixes from iPhone 2.0 version).

check it out (here's the link for you newbies):


This misunderstood.

Installer WILL NOT bring back all of the apps. It will have some. Remember, developers must first port the apps they have from 1.1.4 frameworks to 2.0.0 framworks.

Also, add to that the fact that many Devs switched from Installer/Cydia to App Store. Installer will bring some, not all the apps we are used to.

Once again, Installer will not bring back all the apps just some. So don't be asking, "where are the apps from Installer?" or saying "Installer is crap".

You are warned.
so when this is release, you go through the steps to pwn it like before.
then can you option click UPGRADE rather than RESTORE in itunes? and while i'm at it can i also reset the boot logo back to the apple? and then if you do that, will all of your apps and settings (winterboard and stuff) be there like before??
i dont wanna re-do all of that with the icons and apps and everything...would be tedious..


Anyone know the answer to this?
Pwnage Tool 2.0.2 are able to do sim unlock for 3G iPhone?

Hi guys i hope my question is not so dum that people would not replay me.

1. Does Pwnage Tool 2.0.2 are able to do Sim Unlocking on 3G iPhone?
2. Does any one else know any other way to unlocking the sim currently?

Thanks for replaying my message i can't wait for sim unlocking program to come out i got the 3G iPhone but currently i have T-Mobile as my carrier service.
Hi guys i hope my question is not so dum that people would not replay me.

1. Does Pwnage Tool 2.0.2 are able to do Sim Unlocking on 3G iPhone?
2. Does any one else know any other way to unlocking the sim currently?

Thanks for replaying my message i can't wait for sim unlocking program to come out i got the 3G iPhone but currently i have T-Mobile as my carrier service.

1. I think it does allow unlocking, but not if the 3G has been updated to 2.0.1 already
2. No, not on 3G. Otherwise there would be alot of posts about it already.
Can I just get confirmation that the latest Pwnage (what about iLiberty?) will unlock 2.0.1 on a 2G (original) iPhone?

I currently have 1.1.4 unlocked and jailbroken, but have been holding off on 2.0.
Can I just get confirmation that the latest Pwnage (what about iLiberty?) will unlock 2.0.1 on a 2G (original) iPhone?

I currently have 1.1.4 unlocked and jailbroken, but have been holding off on 2.0.

iLiberty never released a 2.0+ unlock.
Pwnagetool however, indeed can unlock an original iPhone.
2.0.1 is supposed to include the same features as 2.0, so UNLESS the baseband has been changed (which devteam said it didn't for 1st Gen but it did for 3G), unlocking is still possible.

So yes, 2.0.1 will be unlocked with pwnagetool.
I think it does allow unlocking, but not if the 3G has been updated to 2.0.1 already

Pwnage 2.0.2 will NOT unlock the 3g iphone.

See message from iPhone dev-team:

"Warning: If you care about the possibility of a GSM/3G unlock in the future (there is no unlock available as yet), do not update your 3G device with iTunes unless you do it via PwnageTool 2.0.2 (this means you’ll need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool 2.0.2 and install it using iTunes) - If you have updated over the last few days with iTunes, you’ll still be able to Jailbreak using PwnageTool 2.0.2 but it may reduce the chance of you being able to unlock the Phone to be able to use a SIM card from all carriers in the future.

To clarify - PwnageTool 2.0.2 will still provide the jailbreak for 3G users, even if you have updated. Meanwhile, we’re still actively pursuing the GSM/3G unlock - stay tuned."
Pwnage 2.0.2 will NOT unlock the 3g iphone.

See message from iPhone dev-team:

"Warning: If you care about the possibility of a GSM/3G unlock in the future (there is no unlock available as yet), do not update your 3G device with iTunes unless you do it via PwnageTool 2.0.2 (this means you’ll need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool 2.0.2 and install it using iTunes) - If you have updated over the last few days with iTunes, you’ll still be able to Jailbreak using PwnageTool 2.0.2 but it may reduce the chance of you being able to unlock the Phone to be able to use a SIM card from all carriers in the future.

To clarify - PwnageTool 2.0.2 will still provide the jailbreak for 3G users, even if you have updated. Meanwhile, we’re still actively pursuing the GSM/3G unlock - stay tuned."

This bit confused me:

If your 3G iPhone is not on a regular contract and you plan to use it on an alternative network to the carrier that supplied it then do not update unless you do it with the impending PwnageTool update.

It suggests that its talking about the unlocking, but doesn't mention it and that whatever it is will be in the next update.

But then again I have had 4 hours of debatable sleep in the last 48 hours so im abit :confused: :p
iLiberty never released a 2.0+ unlock.
Pwnagetool however, indeed can unlock an original iPhone.
2.0.1 is supposed to include the same features as 2.0, so UNLESS the baseband has been changed (which devteam said it didn't for 1st Gen but it did for 3G), unlocking is still possible.

So yes, 2.0.1 will be unlocked with pwnagetool.

I have 1.1.4 jailbroken too and will wait a while for 2.0.1 or whatever verison becomes the standard.
it's coming!!!

iPhone Dev Team just updated their blog 5 min ago... didn't say much, but i feel it comin' :D
Well, according to the Dev Team blog it ain't happening tonight due to a nasty bug found during some final testing...bummer. But better solid and working...
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